
Pizza Ordering REST API Using DRF.

Primary LanguagePython

Setting up development

Create virtualenv

virtualenv --python=python3 venv

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Apply database migrations

python manage.py migrate

Load Initial Pizza Fixtures 😋😋

python manage.py loaddata pizza.json

Run development servers

Note: Virtualenv must be activated for the following commands to work

Run django server: python manage.py runserver

Running tests

python manage.py test -v2 

Api Guide

Using the httpie http command

  • Get a List of all orders
$ http GET localhost:8000/api/orders/
  • Creates New Order using the order data and a new Customer if None matheche the name and address exists.
  • pizza_id only accepts integers from 1-7
$ http POST localhost:8000/api/orders/ pizza_id={integer} pizza_size={35 or 50} customer_name="{char}" customer_address="{char}"
  • Get order details
$ http GET localhost:8000/api/orders/{order_id}/
  • Fully Update Order.
  • Will create a new User if user data is modified
$ http PUT localhost:8000/api/orders/{order_id}/ pizza_id={integer} pizza_size={35 or 50} customer_name="{char}" customer_address="{char}"
  • Partialy Update Order.
  • Will create a new User if user data is modified
$ http PATCH localhost:8000/api/orders/{order_id}/ pizza_id={integer} pizza_size={35 or 50} 
  • Delete an order entery
$ http DELETE localhost:8000/api/orders/{order_id}/
  • Return Customer Details including a list of order history
  • This full URI can be found in any order Detail named customer
$ http GET localhost:8000/api/customers/{customer_id}/