
angular coding test

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Angular 1.x Code Challenge

This is a simple exercise in which you will create a small app that allows you to select college basketball players and assign them to the NBA teams of your choice.

You will be given a list of the first ten teams that won the lottery for the draft. The list will be in JSON format.

You will also be given a list of the top prospective NBA players that will be the first ten draft picks. This list will also be in JSON format


  • Your interface should have a drop down for the teams and a dropdown for the players.
  • One should be selected from each list and then the "place" button should be pressed which adds the player and his team to a final selection roster.
  • After a player is placed on a team, each should be removed from their respective dropdowns.
  • When all the players have been placed on teams, a "continue" button should appear that takes you to the page that has the final roster.
  • All data should be injected into the controllers through services.

Extra Credit

  • Write a unit test for the services that ensures data is available.
  • Replace the css with a preprocessor such as Less or Sass. Use some of its features.


The following items are necessary in order run the code in this repository

Local Setup and dependencies

  1. Fork this project or download the zip
  2. Open your terminal and cd in to the root directory of the project
  3. Do an npm install to get all the dependencies and set up the project
  4. Do an npm start to run the project and begin developing.


Upon completion, zip the project without the node_modules folder and send it to the email address stated in the email that was given to you when you first received the test.