
Sample project for wrangling CSV data

Primary LanguagePython

Environment Setup

This library has been tested on python 3.7 and 3.8. The test suite runs on 3.8 by default.

Please download and install Python here: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-381/

Install tox globally:

pip install tox

Running the tests

Tox handles setting up a virtual environment, installing dependencies, and running tests.

From within the data_wrangler directory, run


If tox complains about missing py38, you may need to run it as tox -e /path/to/python38.

Running Data Wrangler as a Standalone

Create a YAML file at data_wrangler/local_config.yaml. For a quick test, copy over the contents from tests/fixtures/test_config.yaml.

Activate the virtualenv that tox created:

source .tox/py38/bin/activate

run python ./wrangler.py local_config.yaml

You should now see the generated CSV located at the output_path specified in your local_config.yaml.

YAML Configuration

All keys are required unless marked (O)

See tests/fixtures/test_config.yaml for an example.

The YAML file accepts the following top level keys:

  • input_path: absolute_or_relative/path/to/input.csv
  • output_path: absolute_or_relative/path/to/output.csv (must have write permission)
  • columns: list of columns


Each column config represents a column in the generated CSV file. They will appear in the same order as in the columns list.

CAUTION: "__row_number" is a protected column name, and should not be used as an input or output key.
  • output_key: Output column header
  • input_key (O): Input column header. Provides initial output value if specified.
  • validations: list of validations
  • transformations: list of transformations


  • method: method name to be invoked from Validator class
  • kwargs (O): dict of keyword arguments to be passed to method


  • method: method name to be invoked from Transformer class
  • kwargs (O): dict of keyword arguments to be passed to method
  • source_columns (O): List of column.input_keys which will be passed to the transformation method as a dict of {column_name: value}


data_wrangler is designed to be a configurable and extensible Python ETL library. It has minimal external dependencies, and relies heavily on standard library solutions for manipulation and coercion of data. The configuration DSL is lightweight, and the most complicated parts are offloaded to str.format and regex

Out of the box, data_wrangler can be configured to handle most basic CSV transformations. However, its core classes are designed to be inherited from and extended to support the needs of your application.