
JavaScript library with a set of USOS-related widgets and helper functions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery-USOS plugin

This is a set of jQuery utilities and simple widgets, intended to help web developers with their work with USOS-related projects (primarily, the USOSweb project).

Official project homepage: https://github.com/MUCI/jquery-usos.

jQuery-USOS widgets preview


To install all dependencies type:

  • npm install

  • Then do npm run release to build release in lib/ folder

  • Then you can start static server with npm run server

  • Examples can be previewed at localhost:3000 while the server is running.

Other useful commands are:

  • npm run dev - build developer version of the library

  • npm run export - export the library (bundled and minified) to USOSweb






jQuery-UI widgets (see here)


  • .usosForms(...) - utility functions for working with usosValue forms (i.e. server-side validation).