Cryptid Challenge

This challenge is based over a table game i've played some time ago. Here the details of the game with the requirements to meet the challenge

Game rules

In this game you need to find the tile where the beast Cryptid lives (hence the name of the challenge)

There is a map composed by different hexagonal tiles

Each tile can be:

  • a desert
  • a forest
  • a mountain
  • a lake
  • a marsh

some of the tile can also have

  • a bear
  • a puma

Each player are given a clue that gives you some information where cryptid could be, but these information are not enough, you need to fetch information from other players

start of the game

For the first 2 rounds each player needs to place a colored cube in a tile that does not match with his clue

turn phase - a player can choose to

  • ask the “could the cryptid live here?”) question + pointing a tile → to only one other player, and based on his clue he will

    • place a disc made by his color if the answer is “yes”
    • place a cube where it is not possible to find the beast AND in this case also the player that asked the question needs to put down a cube
  • or can ask to every player the same question, by placing his disc (meaning how many other can confirm my supposition)

    • now in turn, each player place a disc or a cube and when a cube is placed this process ends otherwise the player that asked the question WINS if a tile will contain all the discs

Possible clues that each player can receive

  • In 2 type of terrain
    • In desert or lake
    • In desert or forest
    • In desert or marsh
    • In desert or mountain
    • In lake or mountain
    • In lake or forest
    • In lake or marsh
    • In mountain or forest
    • In mountain or marsh
    • In marsh or forest
  • On or 1 tile near a terrain or an animal
    • On or near 1 tile of a desert
    • On or near 1 tile of a lake
    • On or near 1 tile of a mountain
    • On or near 1 tile of a marsh
    • On or near 1 tile of a forest
    • On or near 1 tile of a an animal (puma or bear)
  • On or 2 tiles near a tower, or cabin abandoned
    • on or near 2 tiles of a cabin abandoned
    • on or near 2 tiles of a rock (hexagon)
    • on or near 2 tiles of a puma
    • on or near 2 tiles of a bear
  • On or 3 tiles near a structure
    • On or 3 tiles near a white structure
    • On or 3 tiles near a black structure
    • On or 3 tiles near a blue structure
    • On or 3 tiles near a green structure


terrain picture terrain picture
forest cabin
desert rock
marsh puma (red border)
lake bear (black border)


Initial Clues for 4 players

player clue color of pieces
A (alfa) In a Lake or Mountain red
B (beta) Inside or near 2 tiles from a bear territory green
E (eta) Inside or near 1 tile from a forest blue
G (gamma) Inside or near 2 tiles from an abandoned cabin orange
Y (epsilon) not playing purple

12 or more cubes for each player

10 or more discs for each player

The composition of all the clues will give you the exact location of cryptid, but the challenge is to simulate a real game and get to the solution as soon as possible

You can choose whatever player you will be. (in a real game you will not have access to the whole clues, of course my dear)


Write an algorithm, a small demo, a prototype, whatever in your favorite programming language that will find find where the creature lives ( one exact tile) in the earliest turn possible.

Note that in each game the order of clues that other players give you by placing a disc or a cube in the map could be different


setup phase, where each player have to put down two cubes

description image
Initial map with cabin and rock placed
player A put a red cube
player B put a green cube
player E put a blue cube
player G put a orange cube
player A put a red cube
player B put a green cube
player E put a blue cube
player G put a orange cube

Mid phase, where player ask questions each other

question answer in case answer is negative
Player A asks player B: Could it be here (where the star is)? since the Beast can be inside 2 tiles near it’s inside, player B put a disc
Player B asks player C: Could it be here (where the star is)? the answer is negative so player C put a cube also player B needs to put a cube

The beast is HERE