
Python Resources for NFT creation

  1. Time Lapse technique 2. Video editing - Moviepy 3. Convert to gif 4. OpenCV - color

The footage captured is segments of the Hudson as the drone moves northwards up the river in 500-1000 meter segments, and these segments will be chronological & geospatially crunched by the imaging technique into a steady expanding and contracting flow/shape (no sharp/sudden expansions and contractions of the shape of the river - dissolves that make a natural transition from one segment to the next.
Still unsure about sound - if there is sound it would be nature sounds on the Hudson possibly with some other ambient music

Technical Documentation

Stitching video footage using python. Merge/join two or more video files using Python

Install pipenv using the terminal

Pip install pipenv Pipenv shell clear Pipenv install moviepy Python

Create Dependencies : "2021_06_30_18_47_29.mp4" , "2021_07_06_14_25_40.mp4" , "2021_07_06_15_24_23.mp4" , "2021_07_06_15_26_42.mp4"