Below is a summary of APIs and their implementations & locations.
bag | array | containers bag | linked list | linkedlist graph | adjancency list | graph priority queue | heap | tree queue | array | containers queue | linked list | linkedlist quick find | array | containers quick union | tree | containers stack | array | containers stack | linked list | linkedlist symbol table | bs tree | tree
web crawler goal - crawl web, starting from some root web page, say
BFS with implicit digraph
- choose root web page as source s;
- maintain a queue of websites to explore;
- maintain a set of discovered websites;
- dequeue the next website and enqueue websites to which it links
linear | N | min, max, median, Burrows-Wheeler transform, ... linearithmic | N * log(N) | sorting, convex hull, closest pair, farthest pair, ... quadratic | N**2 | ? ... | ... | ... exponential | exp(N) | ?
Frustrating news -- huge number of problems have defied classification
Reduction Problem X reduces to problem Y if you can use an algorithm hat solves Y to help solve X. cost of solving X = cost of solving Y + cost of reduction (preprocessing & postprocessing)
Lower Bound Linear-time reduction Def. Problem X linear-time reduces to problem Y if X can be solved with
- linear number of standard computational steps
- constant number of calls to Y
INDEX Kruskal's algorithm | Joseph Kruskal | | minimal spanning tree Prim's algorithm | Robert Prim | | minimal spanning tree Huffman's algorithm | David Huffman | 1952 | compression Rabin-Karp algorithm | Michael Rabin, Dick Karp | Brewer's problem |
? | brute-force | N2 1962 | Karatsuba-Ofman | N1.585 <- divide & conquer 1963 | Toom-3, Toom-4 | N1.465, N1.404 1966 | Toom-Cook | N**(1+epsilon) 1971 | Schonhage-Strassen | N*log(N)log(log(N)) 2007 | Furer | Nlog(N)2*(log(N))
A problem is "intractable" if it cannot be solved in polynomial time.
A universal model of computation -- Turing machine Q: Is there a more powerful model of computation? A: No! <- most important scientific result of 20th century? Turing machines can compute any functions that can be computed by a physically harnessable process of the natural world
Stirling's approximation ln(n!) = nln(n) - n + O(ln(n)) n! ~ sqrt(2pi*n)(n/e)**n
Four fundamental problems LSOLVE. Given a system of linear equations, find a solution. LP . Given a system of linear inequalities, find a solution. ILP . Given a system of linear inequalities, find a binary solution. SAT . Given a system of boolean equations, find a binary solution.
Q: Which of these problems have poly-time algorithms? LSOLVE. Yes. Gaussian elimination solves N-by-N system in N**3 time LP . Yes. Ellipsoid algorithm is poly-time ILP, SAT. No poly-time algorithm known or believed to exist
Def. NP is the class of all search problems Def. P is the class of search problems solvable in poly-time.
NP -- nondeterministic polynomial time P -- polynomial time
P = NP ? Can you always avoid brute-force searching and do better overwehlming censensus P != NP
Millennium Prize Problems by Clay Mathematics Institute (11/24/2000)
- Birch & Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture
- Hodge conjecture
- Navier-Stokes existence and smoothness
- P vs NP problem
- Poincare conjecture
- Riemann hypothesis
- Yang-Mills existence and mass gap
Exhaustive search Q: How to solve an instance of SAT with n variables? A: Exhaustive search -- try all 2**n truth assignments.
Q: Can we do anything substantially more clever? Conjecture: No poly-time algorithm for SAT (intractable)
Cook reduction: Problem X poly-time reduces to problem Y if X can be solved with
- polynomial number of standard cmputational steps
- polynomial number of calls to Y
SAT reduces to ILP
NP-compleness (NPC) Def. An NP problem is NP-complete if all problems in NP poly-time reduce to it.
Proposition (Cook 1971). SAT is NP-complete (every NP problem is a SAT in disguise)
Corollary. Poly-time algorithm for SAT iff P = NP. SAT captures difficulty of whole class of NP.
1926: Ising introduces simpel model for phase transitions 1944: Onsager finds closed form solution to 2D version in tour de force 19xx: Feynman and other top minds seek 3D solution 2000: 3D-ISING proved NP-complete
NP = P + NPC + others
P -- class of search problems solvable in poly-time NP -- class of all search problems, some of which seem wickedly hard NP-complete -- hardest problems in NP intractable -- problem with no poly-time algorithm
RSA --
FACTOR. Given an n-bit integer x, find a nontrivial factor. Q: What's complexity of FACTOR? A: In NP, but not known (or believed) to be in P or NP-complete.