
Demonstration pipeline for processing Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) data

Primary LanguageDockerfileMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

MWA Demo


Download the demo data to the root of this repository from here

unzip -n demo2.zip (-n = do not replace pre-existing files)

You may want to start downloading the docker images too.

# on either platform
docker pull --platform linux/amd64 d3vnull0/mwa-demo-amd64:latest

# then either...
# ... on macos arm64 (Apple Silicon, M series)
docker pull --platform linux/arm64 d3vnull0/mwa-demo:test
# ... on linux amd64
docker pull --platform linux/amd64 d3vnull0/mwa-demo:test

Software dependencies

There are several ways that you can provide the software dependencies to run this demo:

  • bare metal: install everything to your local machine
  • docker: run the software in Docker containers
  • singularity: (todo!)

The scripts in this demo are designed for maximum flexibility. They evaluate environment variables to dictate how to run each software package on your system, so you can use a mixture of the methods above. For example:

# you can use the docker image
export giant_squid="docker run ... mwatelescope/giant-squid"
# or the giant-squid binary if that is available on your system
export giant_squid="giant-squid"
# the script can handle either case
eval $giant_squid list

You can customize the Docker images in demo/00_software.sh, then source the file in your shell before running the demo.

When your software environment is ready, you can test it by running demo/00_test.sh

Bare Metal

you will need to install the following software. For best results, use an x86 Linux machine.

note: there is currently an issue binding to casacore on macOS arm64 (Apple Silicon, M series), so hyperdrive and birli will only work via Docker x86_64 emulation


A lightweight, cross-platform, cpu-only Dockerfile is provided which encapsulates most of the software dependencies.

Some of the software requires emulation on arm64, for this you will likely need to use a newer version of Docker. This may require a newer version of macos.

You can build this for your local platform with docker build, or for multiple platforms using docker buildx. See Dockerfile for details.

# quick start: pull the images from dockerhub
docker pull d3vnull0/mwa-demo:latest d3vnull0/mwa-demo-amd64:latest

# if you have any issues, you can override the image with a fresh build for your local platform
docker build -t d3vnull0/mwa-demo:latest -f Dockerfile .

# advanced: build the image for multiple platforms and push to dockerhub

# (optional) get your docker username
docker login
export DOCKER_USER=$(docker info | sed '/Username:/!d;s/.* //');
if [ -z $DOCKER_USER ]; then
  export DOCKER_CREDSTORE=docker-credential-$(jq -r .credsStore ~/.docker/config.json);
  export DOCKER_USER=$( $DOCKER_CREDSTORE list | jq -r ' . | to_entries[] | select( .key | contains("docker.io") ) | last(.value)' )

# create a new builder instance if not already created
docker buildx create --driver=docker-container --name=multi --use

# build the image for multiple platforms.
# - (optional) use build args to specify software versions.
# - use --push instead to push to dockerhub
# - or use --load to load the image into the local docker daemon
export IDG_VERSION=1.2.0
export tag=${DOCKER_USER}/mwa-demo:everybeam${EVERYBEAM_VERSION}-idg${IDG_VERSION}-wsclean${WSCLEAN_VERSION}
docker buildx build \
  -f Dockerfile \
  --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
  --build-arg="IDG_VERSION=${IDG_VERSION}" \
  -t $tag \
  --push \

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t d3vnull0/mwa-demo:latest -f Dockerfile .
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t d3vnull0/mwa-demo-amd64:latest -f amd64.Dockerfile .

ASVO account

Please register for an ASVO account: asvo.mwatelescope.org/registration Visibility data is made public 18 months after observation. For any support enquiries, please email asvo_support@mwatelescope.org

Once you have your ASVO account, log in to https://asvo.mwatelescope.org/profile to obtain your API key and set it as an environment variable:

export MWA_ASVO_API_KEY="..."

you may want to add this to your ~/.bashrc to persist it across sessions, but remember to keep this key secret!


You may wish to customize some of the other parameters in demo/00_env.sh, e.g.:

  • $outdir the output directory, where files are written. If you're extending this demo with more observations, you may want to put the files in a directory with more space.
  • $srclist the calibration sourcelist. Fits catalogue support (not fully tested) is available in this branch
  • $MWA_BEAM_FILE the beam model

Running the demo

Here is a walkthrough of the demo:

# DEMO: open a bash shell
# DEMO: change directory into the root of this repository.
# set up the software environment
source demo/00_software.sh
# check that everything is working (and pull docker images)
# query the MWA TAP server with ADQL using the pyvo library
clear; demo/01_tap.sh
# display giant-squid commands to download observations
clear; demo/02_download.sh
# mwalib read observation metadata
# SSINS find RFI
# Birli preprocess raw files, quality analysis
# hyperdrive direciton independent calibrate, qa and apply solutions
# wsclean cal_ms
# done

for obsid in 1341914000 1121334536; do
  demo/05_prep.sh && demo/06_cal.sh && demo/07_img.sh || break

# DEMO: The images look a bit weird, let's enable calqa flags and try again.
# uncomment this line in 00/06_cal.sh to apply bad antennas and see how the image changes!
# export cal_bad_ants=""
rm -rf $outdir/{1341914000,combined}/{cal,img}

# did aoflagger really get all the RFI?
export obsid=1341914000
export metafits=${outdir}/${obsid}/raw/${obsid}.metafits
export prep_uvfits="${outdir}/${obsid}/prep/birli_${obsid}.uvfits"
export cal_ms="${outdir}/${obsid}/cal/hyp_cal_${obsid}.ms"
eval $python ${SCRIPT_BASE}/04_ssins.py $prep_uvfits
eval $python ${SCRIPT_BASE}/04_ssins.py $cal_ms

# combine them all into a single image
obsid="combined" cal_ms=$(ls -1d ${outdir}/*/cal/hyp_cal_*.ms ) demo/07_img.sh

carta --top_level_folder . --browser 'open -a Google\ Chrome'

# clean up outdir to start fresh