Calibration software for the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope
- 0x536bChicago, USA
- adakriInria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes
- AnatolyBugaLondon
- AndreasMattsson
- apocalyptic7
- aragilarAAO, Macquarie University
- artisdomAuckland
- astrogewgawNational Centre for Radio Astrophysics
- astrojhguNational Astronomical Observatories, China
- astrokatrossCurtin University, @includeher @GLEAM-X
- ayaouniya
- barkermrl
- brainlessdwata
- catherine4331London
- chitruLand down under
- cjordanCurtin University
- Coderzghtsinghua
- d3v-nullCurtin Institute of Radio Astronomy
- daniel-nolandStateless
- denwong47Forestreet
- DieracDeltaNew Haven, CT
- erwanorpenumbra labs
- gsleapCurtin Institute of Radio Astronomy
- ianrgrahamUniversity of Pennsylvania
- jlinVancouver, BC, Canada
- JohnClema@IncrementalSystems
- kariukicUniversity of Groningen
- kiranshilaKAS Microwave LLC
- LeoMaden
- mkirchPwC Artificial Intelligence
- MyuzuKyiv, Ukraine
- praveenpereraInfraOps LLC
- SunmishAustralia
- vgecko
- waseemR02Chennai, Tamil Nadu