Re-open GPUBox number issue for legacy VCS
robotopia opened this issue · 1 comments
The previous fix doesn't seem to have carried across to the C interface. After installing the latest version of mwalib and putting the library and header files in standard places, this program can be compiled and run for testing:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mwalib.h>
#define ERROR_MESSAGE_LEN 1024
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
// Get the metafits file from command line argument
if (argc < 3)
printf( "usage: %s METAFITS_FILE VOLTAGE_FILE\n", argv[0] );
printf( "example: %s 1164110416_metafits.fits 1164110416_1164110725_ch109.dat\n" );
char *metafits_filename = argv[1];
char *datfile = argv[2];
// Print out MWALIB version
printf( "\nMWALIB v%u.%u.%u\n\n",
// Load up metafits for a VCS observation
char error_message[ERROR_MESSAGE_LEN];
//error_message[0] = '\0'; // <-- Just to avoid a compiler warning about uninitialised variables
MetafitsMetadata *metadata;
MetafitsContext *context;
if (mwalib_metafits_context_new2( metafits_filename, &context, error_message, ERROR_MESSAGE_LEN) != MWALIB_SUCCESS)
fprintf( stderr, "error (mwalib): cannot create metafits context: %s\n", error_message );
if (mwalib_metafits_metadata_get( context, NULL, NULL, &metadata, error_message, ERROR_MESSAGE_LEN ) != MWALIB_SUCCESS)
fprintf( stderr, "error (mwalib): cannot create metafits metadata: %s\n", error_message );
VoltageMetadata *volt_metadata;
VoltageContext *volt_context;
const char **voltage_filenames = &datfile;
size_t voltage_file_count = 1;
if (mwalib_voltage_context_new( metafits_filename, voltage_filenames, voltage_file_count, &volt_context, error_message, ERROR_MESSAGE_LEN ) != MWALIB_SUCCESS)
fprintf( stderr, "error (mwalib): cannot create voltage context: %s\n", error_message );
if (mwalib_voltage_metadata_get( volt_context, &volt_metadata, error_message, ERROR_MESSAGE_LEN ) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
fprintf( stderr, "error (mwalib): cannot get metadata: %s\n", error_message );
// Read off the coarse channels and their gpubox numbers
uintptr_t nmc = metadata->num_metafits_coarse_chans;
uintptr_t nvc = volt_metadata->num_coarse_chans;
uintptr_t c;
printf( " METAFITS \n"
"Corr chan | Rec chan | GPUBox num\n"
"----------+----------+-----------\n" );
for (c = 0; c < nmc; c++)
printf( "%5lu %5lu %5lu\n",
printf( "\n" );
printf( " VOLTAGE \n"
"Corr chan | Rec chan | GPUBox num\n"
"----------+----------+-----------\n" );
for (c = 0; c < nmc; c++)
printf( "%5lu %5lu %5lu\n",
// Clean up
mwalib_metafits_metadata_free( metadata );
mwalib_metafits_context_free( context );
mwalib_voltage_metadata_free( volt_metadata );
mwalib_voltage_context_free( volt_context );
Makefile for compiling and testing:
CC = gcc
LDLIBS = -lmwalib
run_legacy_test: bug_report_gpubox 1164110416_metafits.fits 1164110416_1164110725_ch109.dat
run_mwax_test: bug_report_gpubox 1313388760_metafits.fits 1313388760_1313388760_144.sub
wget -O $@
wget -O $@
dd if=/dev/zero of=$@ bs=32768 count=10000
dd if=/dev/zero of=$@ bs=4096 count=1288001
...which translates to:
$ make -Bn run_legacy_test
gcc bug_report_gpubox.c -lmwalib -o bug_report_gpubox
wget -O 1164110416_metafits.fits
dd if=/dev/zero of=1164110416_1164110725_ch109.dat bs=32768 count=10000
./bug_report_gpubox 1164110416_metafits.fits 1164110416_1164110725_ch109.dat
$ make -Bn run_mwax_test
gcc bug_report_gpubox.c -lmwalib -o bug_report_gpubox
wget -O 1313388760_metafits.fits
dd if=/dev/zero of=1313388760_1313388760_144.sub bs=4096 count=1288001
./bug_report_gpubox 1313388760_metafits.fits 1313388760_1313388760_144.sub
I get the output (e.g. for the legacy test):
$ ./bug_report_gpubox 1164110416_metafits.fits 1164110416_1164110725_ch109.dat
MWALIB v0.11.0
Corr chan | Rec chan | GPUBox num
0 109 109
1 110 110
2 111 111
3 112 112
4 113 113
5 114 114
6 115 115
7 116 116
8 117 117
9 118 118
10 119 119
11 120 120
12 121 121
13 122 122
14 123 123
15 124 124
16 125 125
17 126 126
18 127 127
19 128 128
23 129 129
22 130 130
21 131 131
20 132 132
Corr chan | Rec chan | GPUBox num
0 109 109
1 110 110
2 111 111
3 112 112
4 113 113
5 114 114
6 115 115
7 116 116
8 117 117
9 118 118
10 119 119
11 120 120
12 121 121
13 122 122
14 123 123
15 124 124
16 125 125
17 126 126
18 127 127
19 128 128
23 129 129
22 130 130
21 131 131
20 132 132
...and similarly incorrect numbers for the MWAX test. I believe the GPUBox numbers should always be in the range 01-24.
Originally posted by @robotopia in #41 (comment)
We've agreed to leave this as it was prior to that commit. The gpubox_number attribute is probably a misnomer as it really is representing the "channel" part of the original gpubox or VCS filename. Maybe in a future breaking release it should be renamed to channel_filename_identifier or something? For now @robotopia is going to use the corr_chan_number + 1 to get the equivalent of a gpubox number for VCS's using a metafits context.