To create a tool to allow benchmarking of various mappers (eg. bowtie2, bwa) on a standardised dataset, and store the results in an easily accessible database.
Python tool to run the selected mapper, and benchmark the preformance.
Data collected:
Index construction time
Mapping time
CPU model
RAM available
Python tool for checking the quality of the mapping, and import it into the MySQL database.
Quality control done using SAMtools and QualiMap.
SRA_database.sql is the most recent database backup created from the MySQL server.
.tar.gz archives wich contain the files required to execute the benchmarks for the names mapper.
Contains all the individual scripts required to preform the benchmarking on the client pc.
Contains all the individual scripts pertaining to database structure, quality controll and database additions.
Contains the sample data sets used to preform intial tests of client and server side processes.
Please make sure that before trying to execute the scripts you have the correct programs installed as found in the required software list found below.
For use of the SRA benchmarking tool, download the required package from the downloads folder and run the file. Please be aware that pre-instalation of the selected tool is required (eg. Bowtie2 or Bwa).
For running the serverside quality control and insertion into database, make sure the database is set up correctly beforehand. Run the scrips from within the folder where the benchmark output files have been saved. Please be aware that pre-instalation of the required software (found below) is needed for operation. The input required for the correct operation of the script is: [benchmark file] [.sam output file] eg. Bwa_benchmark.txt Bwa_alignment_paired.sam Note: path to Qualimap executable may differ and would need to be adjusted for each user.
Clone the repository and navigate to the test_data folder. From within this folder execute the script. This should generate the output benchmark.txt and alignment.sam file within the test_data folder. Now, from within the test_data folder, execute the script. This will preform the quality control on the .sam file and upload the data from the benchmark and control to the database.
The database is made up of three tables, 1: Results, contains the benchmark results for all tools and data sets. 2: Archives, contains information on the datasets used for benchmarking. 3: Aligner, contains information on aligner version and parameters used during benchmarking.
Bowtie2 (
Bwa (
mysqlclient (
SAMtools (
QualiMap (