dumping ground for IoT stuff
the following packages/modules are needed for all these scripts that involve AWS IoT Core. Run the following commands to install:
- sudo apt-get install cmake
- sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
- sudo pip install awsiotsdk
also you will need to register your device with AWS IoT and the all your aws variables need to be added to awsconfig.py
the following module is needed for python, i recommend using python 3 for these scripts. Run the following commands to install:
- sudo python3 -m pip install boto3
you will also need to generate a access key ID and an access key secret on AWs for the scripts to use. instructions on where to put these can be found here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/rekognition/latest/dg/setup-awscli-sdk.html
publishes stats about the deivce to AWS until stopped
Function for publishing messages to topics.
shows basic use of Raspberry Pi's GPIO to publish message when a button is pressed
Script to measure distance and publish messages is distance is less than 75% of the baseline distance
place sensor pointing at a hard object like a wall and run script, while the status LED is flashing(around 5 secs) the sensor is taking the baseline distance. When the status LED is solid the script is now monitoring distance and while the distance is 75% or less of the baseline and message will published to AWS IoT Core.
GPIO18---------------Trig| Ultrasonic |
GPIO24---R1----------Echo| Sensor |
| --------------
| Gnd
GPIO26--R1----- | |
GPIO19--R1- | R2 |
| | | |
| | | |
R1 = 330 ohm
R2 = 470 ohm
Ultrasonic Sensor = HC-SR04 Module
script that takes a csv file and publishes each line of the dataset with a specified delay. to try and simulate an IoT sensor
usage: sensor simulator [-h] --dataset DATASET --delay DELAY --topic TOPIC
simulates a IoT sensor by publishing messages from a data set in a csv file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset DATASET file input(must be csv)
--delay DELAY time in seconds between published messages
--topic TOPIC topic that messages will get published to, needs to be in quotes
the follow example uses the csv file called data-set.csv in the present working directory, it will publish to the topic test/test every 5 seconds
python sensor-sim.py --dataset data-set.csv --delay 5 --topic "test/test"
script that uploads a local photo to AWS Rekognition and prints all labels that Rekognition detected
usage: rek-label-photo.py [-h] --photo PHOTO
uses AWS Rekognition to label what in in the photo
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--photo PHOTO this is the path to the photo
script that uploads local photo and detect the number of people and if they are wearing face masks
usage: rek-detect-mask.py [-h] --photo PHOTO
uses AWS Rekognition to detect face masks in photos
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--photo PHOTO this is the path to the photo
analyses photo is a script that does the following:
- uploads a photo to an S3 bucket
- gets Rekognition to analyse the photo and provide labels
- adds an entry to a dynamoDB table with url, key_id, epoch time and labels
usage: analyse-photo.py [-h] --photo PHOTO --bucket BUCKET --db DB
uploads photo to S3 Bucket and gets Rekognition to label what in in the photo, then adds this to a dynamoDB
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--photo PHOTO the path to the photo
--bucket BUCKET name of bucket to upload files
--db DB name of the dynamoDB table put entries