This repo contains code that will generate ebooks from the Game of Thrones episode summaries at the excellent Game of Thrones Wiki.
This has the following dependencies:
Additionally, the Python wiki download script requires requests.
make pdf
# => build/pdf/game-of-thrones-episode-guide.pdf
make markdown
# => build/markdown/
make epub
# => build/epub/game-of-thrones-episode-guide.epub
make html
# => build/html/game-of-thrones-episode-guide.html
make all
# =>
# └── build
# ├── epub
# │ └── game-of-thrones-episode-guide.epub
# ├── html
# │ └── game-of-thrones-episode-guide.html
# ├── markdown
# │ └──
# └── pdf
# └── game-of-thrones-episode-guide.pdf
make clean
Massive thanks to the awesome Game of Thrones Wiki for their great content. I strongly encourage everyone to give them your support.
Thanks to wikiti/pandoc-book-template for Makefile