Demographic inferences from NGS data
8:30-10:00: Lecture:
NGS data, uncertainties and how to deal with them
(Matteo) -
10:30-12:00: Practical:
ANGSD and ngsTools
(Matteo) -
13:00-14:00: Practical:
ANGSD and ngsTools
(Matteo, continued)
- 13:00-14:45: Lecture:
Inferring selection with ABC and other tools
- Introduction to NGS data
- Principles of SNP and genotype calling
- Summary statistics from low-depth data
- Experimental design
Slides for the lecture on NGS data can be found here.
Slides for the lecture on selection will appear at some point.
NGS data analysis: ** Exercise 1 ** Exercise 2 ** Exercise 3 ** Exercise 4
Selection: ** TBA