
Submission of DApps

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MEP-1759: MXC DApp Store Metadata Standard


MEP-1759 is a metadata standard for decentralized applications (DApps) to be listed on the MXC DApp Store. This standard is designed to ensure that the information about DApps is presented consistently and comprehensively, enhancing user experience and interoperability.

The standard defines a specific structure for the metadata, which includes key information about the DApp such as name, version, description, developer info, permissions, icons(svgs and/or pngs), localizations, age rating, and more.

How to Submit Your DApp

  1. Fork this repository: Click on the 'Fork' button at the top right of this page and create a copy of this repository in your own GitHub account.

  2. Clone your forked repository: Navigate to your GitHub account, open the forked repository, and click the 'Code' button. Then copy the URL and clone the repository to your local system.

  3. Create a new JSON file for your DApp: In the 'dapps' directory, create a new JSON file. The file name should be the DApp's contract address with the network prefix, e.g., 'appname-mnsid.json'.

  4. Add your DApp's metadata: Using the MEP-1759 specification as a guide, add the necessary metadata for your DApp in the JSON file. Please ensure that your data is correctly formatted and all required fields are filled.

  5. Commit and push your changes: Once you've added your DApp's metadata, commit and push the changes to your forked repository.

  6. Create a pull request: Go back to your forked repository on GitHub and click on 'New pull request'. In the pull request comment, provide any additional information about your DApp that you think is important.

Your pull request will be reviewed and, if everything is in order, your DApp will be added to the MXC DApp Store.



For any questions or support, please contact us at zkevm@mxc.com.