MXCzkEVM Evolution Proposals


MEPs repo contains the Moonchain Evolution Proposals for EVM compatible chains. The proposals define the interface for implementation of the Moonchain for IoT data exchange, mining and data marketplace.


Different MEPs describe different parts of the system and influence different stages of the data exchange protocol.


  1. Review MEP-1.
  2. Fork the repository by clicking "Fork" in the top right.
  3. Add your MEP to your fork of the repository. There is a template MEP here.
  4. Submit a Pull Request to Moonchain's MEPs repository.

Your first PR should be a first draft of the final MEP. It must meet the formatting criteria enforced by the build (largely, correct metadata in the header). An editor will manually review the first PR for a new MEP and assign it a number before merging it. Make sure you include a discussions-to header with the URL to a discussion forum or open GitHub issue where people can discuss the MEP as a whole.

If your MEP requires images, the image files should be included in a subdirectory of the assets folder for that MEP as follows: assets/mep-X (for MEP X). When linking to an image in the MEP, use relative links such as ../assets/mep-X/image.png.


MEP Number Title Type Status
MEP-1 Purpose and Guidelines Process Living
MEP-20 Tokens Standrds on zkEVM Chain Standards Living
MEP-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard on MXC zkEVM Chain Standards Draft
MEP-801 ISO Application Contract Standards Draft
MEP-802 ISO Provisioning Contract Standards Draft
MEP-803 ISO Sensor Data Contract Standards Draft
MEP-804 ISO Reward Token Contract Standards Draft
MEP-1002 Nestable Non-Fungible Tokens Tied to IoT Geolocations Standards Living
MEP-1004 Non-Fungible Tokens Tied to IoT Radio Base Station Miner Standards Living
MEP-1759 MXC DApp Store Metadata Standard Standards Living
MEP-600 NFT NFC Contract Standards Draft
MEP-2542 Multi-Token Mining for MEP-1004 Radio Miners Standards Living
MEP-3355 LLM Friendly Transaction Memo Format Standards Draft