
Draw audio file(.wav, .mp3, etc) into image file(.png)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

1. Overview

  • Project Name : Sound Visualization
  • Project starts from one simple question.
    "What would sound look like, if we could see sound?"

2. Dependency

  • macOS : Catalina 10.15
  • Python : ver. 2.7.16
  • Librosa : ver. 0.7.2
    (librosa 0.7 will be last version to support Python 2)
  • Bokeh : ver. 1.3.4

3. Usage

  • 0. Executing Program :

    # 0-1.Basic Code Line
    > python main_sv.py -i "./sample/sample_1.wav" -b "0"
    # 0-2.Option Description
    > python main_sv.py -h
      -i : Input audio file path. Default path is './sample/sample_1.wav'
      -b : Background color. 0 is black, 1 is white. Default value is 0(black)
  • 1. Importing Libraries / Color Palettes :

    import librosa
    import numpy as numpy
    from bokeh.plotting import figure
    from bokeh.io import export_png
    from bokeh.palettes import Inferno256
  • 2. Loading Audio File :

    audio_data = i_opt    # Default path is './sample/sample_1.wav'
    sig, sr = librosa.load(audio_data, sr = 44100)
  • 3. Extracting Datas from Audio File :

    # 3-1.Onset Envelope | 3-2.Beats | 3-3.Onsets
    onset_frames = librosa.onset.onset_detect(sig, sr = sr)
    onsets = librosa.frames_to_time(onset_frames, sr = sr)
    onset_env = librosa.onset.onset_strength(sig, sr = sr, aggregate = np.median)
    tempo = librosa.beat.tempo(onset_envelope = onset_env, sr = sr)
    tempo, beats = librosa.beat.beat_track(onset_envelope = onset_env, sr = sr, units = 'time')
    # 3-4.Frequency & Magnitude
    fft = np.fft.fft(sig)
    magnitude = np.abs(fft)
    magnitude_dB = librosa.amplitude_to_db(magnitude)
    frequency = np.linspace(0, sr, len(magnitude_dB))
    left_magnitude_dB = magnitude_dB[:len(magnitude_dB)/2]
    left_frequency = frequency[:len(magnitude_dB)/2]
  • 4. Preprocessing Datas for Visualization :

    # 4-1.Onset Envelope
    E = len(onset_env)            
    x1 = np.random.rand(E) * E
    y1 = np.random.rand(E) * E
    n1 = 50
    radii_1 = np.random.rand(E) * E / n1
    # 4-2.Beats
    B = len(beats)
    x2 = [x1[i] for i in range(B)]
    y2 = [y1[i] for i in range(B)]
    n2 = 13
    radii_2 = np.random.rand(B) * E / n2
    # 4-3.Onsets
    O = len(onsets)
    x3 = [x1[-(i+1)] for i in range(O)]
    y3 = [y1[-(i+1)] for i in range(O)]
    n3 = 8
    size_3 = np.random.rand(O) * E / n3
    # 4-4.Frequency & Magnitude
    F = len(left_frequency)
    x_4 = left_magnitude_dB / x_ratio
    y_4 = left_frequency / y_ratio
    n4 = 100
    x4_1 = [x_4[n4 * i] + 0.5 * E for i in range(F / n4)]
    y4_1 = [y_4[n4 * i] for i in range(F / n4)]
    x4_2 = [-x_4[n4 * i] + 0.5 * E for i in range(F / n4)]
    y4_2 = [y_4[n4 * i] for i in range(F / n4)]
    x4_3 = [x_4[n4 * i] + 0.5 * E for i in range(F / n4)]
    y4_3 = [-y_4[n4 * i] + E for i in range(F / n4)]
    x4_4 = [-x_4[n4 * i] + 0.5 * E for i in range(F / n4)]
    y4_4 = [-y_4[n4 * i] + E for i in range(F / n4)]
  • 5. Creating Plots :

    p = figure(x_range = (0, E), y_range = (0, E), plot_width = E, plot_height = E)
  • 6. Adding Renderers :

    # 6-1.Onset Envelope
    p.circle(x1, y1, radius = radii_1, fill_color = colors_1, fill_alpha = 0.15, line_color = None)
    # 6-2.Beats
    x2, y2, radius = radii_2, fill_color = colors_2, fill_alpha = 0.1,
    line_color = colors_2, line_width = 1, line_dash = "dotted", line_alpha = 0.8)
    # 6-3.Onsets
    x3, y3, size = size_3, angle = 45, fill_color = colors_3, fill_alpha = 0.1,
    line_color = colors_3, line_width = 1, line_dash = "4 4", line_alpha = 0.8)
    # 6-4.Frequency & Magnitude
    p.line(x4_1, y4_1, line_color = colors_4, line_dash = "dotted", line_width = 0.6, line_alpha = 0.4)
  • 7. Setting Plot Properties :

    # Background Properties
    p.background_fill_color = b_opt   # Default value is "black"
    p.background_fill_alpha = 1
    # Outline Properties
    p.outline_line_width = 0
    p.outline_line_alpha = 0
    p.outline_line_color = "black"
    # Border Properties
    p.min_border_left = 0
    p.min_border_right = 0
    p.min_border_top = 0
    p.min_border_bottom = 0
    # Grid / Axes Properties
    p.grid.visible = False
    p.xaxis.visible = False
    p.yaxis.visible = False
    # Toolbar Properties
    p.toolbar.logo = None
    p.toolbar_location = None
  • 8. Exporting Output Files :

    # Output to PNG file
    export_png(p, filename = o_opt)   # ouput file name according to input file name

4. Version

  • version of sound visualization project : SV 1.0