
Meta code and data for i.MX serials boards of MYiR Electronics.

Primary LanguageBitBake

i.MX Linux Yocto Project BSP 5.4.3_2.0.0 Release

Note this is release is not a production release.
Please see the release notes for the quality statement for each baord.

The following boards were tested in this release.

   * MYIR i.MX 8MM IOT (mys_iot_imx8mmddr4)

Quick Start Guide

Build images

Building XWayland
  DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=mys_iot_imx8mmddr4 source sources/meta-myir/tools/imx-setup-release.sh -b build-xwayland

Building with Multilib support
Yocto Project is able to build libraries for different target optimizations, combing those in one system image,
allowing the user to run both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.
Here is an example to add multilib support (lib32).

In local.conf
- Define multilib targets
require conf/multilib.conf
MULTILIBS = "multilib:lib32"
DEFAULTTUNE_virtclass-multilib-lib32 = "armv7athf-neon"

- 32-bit libraries to be added into the image
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " lib32-glibc lib32-libgcc lib32-libstdc++"

Building XEN

Hardware Floating Point
This release enables hardware floating point by default.  This feature is enabled in both the machine 
configurations and in the layer.conf. (Some machine files exist in the community meta-fsl-arm without this setting.)
DEFAULTTUNE_mx6 = "cortexa9hf-neon

Software floating point is not supported starting with the 4.1.15_1.0.0_ga release

Restricted Codecs
These codecs have contractual restrictions that require separate distribution.

The Manufacturing Tool - MFGTool
In this release MFGTool uses the community setup.  
To build MFGTool, build the following:

   bitbake fsl-image-mfgtool-initramfs

End User License Agreement
During the NXP Yocto Project Community BSP setup-environment process, the NXP i.MX End User License Agreement (EULA)
is displayed. To continue, users must agree to the conditions of this license. The agreement to the terms allows the
Yocto build to untar packages from the NXP mirror. Please read this license agreement carefully during the
setup process because, once accepted, all further work in the Yocto environment is tied to this accepted agreement.

Add Chromium to your Wayland or X11-based image by adding the following lines to local.conf:

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = \
    "${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'wayland', ' chromium-ozone-wayland', \
        bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES',     'x11', ' chromium-x11', \
                                                        '', d), d)}"

Build server host requirements for chromium 74 version:

- Host gcc version should be gcc 7. Ubuntu 18.04 has a default gcc 7 version.
- Increase ulimit (number of open file descriptors) to 4098

Chromium will have compilation errors, if any of the above host requirements are not met.

Qtwebengine is not built by default so add this to local.conf or image recipe. It is supported only on the machines
that has GPU.
 IMAGE_INSTALL_append = "packagegroup-qt5-webengine"

There are many browsers available using QtWebEngine and can be found here:

Note that Qt has both a commercial and open source license options.  Make the decision about which license
to use before starting work on custom Qt applications.  Once custom Qt applications are started with an open source
Qt license the work cannot be used with a commercial Qt license.  Work with a legal representative to understand
the differences between each license.

Note Qt is not supported on i.MX 6UltraLite and i.MX 7Dual. It works on X11 backend only but is not a supported feature.

Qt with kms
Some customers wants to use QT without wayland/weston and the alternative for that is to use through kms plugin.
This configuration is supported only on mx8 machines.
By default, wayland plugin is enabled.We can switch to kms plugin by following these steps.
- killall weston
- Run any qt application using -platform eglfs
  Example: ./Qt5_CinematicExperience -platform eglfs
