
Create, deploy and manage cloud infrastructure using terraform.

Primary LanguageHCL


Create, deploy and manage cloud infrastructure using terraform.


This main.tf file is used to define all the resources you wish to launch or manage with terraform. Below are some high level walkthroughs of the code:

count = 4

It signifies number of resources to create. count = 4 will create Four resources of the same kind will be provisioned.

Amazon machine image (ami) - 

Allows you to launch instances containing all the required softwares and operating system.

tags - 

Tags allow you to define the specific resource with a label, which is further beneficial for cost calculations.

aws_instance - 

Creates the EC2 instances in AWS console.

count.index - 

Allows you to define the name according to index. For example if the value of count is 4 then index starts with ( 0 to 3 )


Retrieves the value of a single element from a map, given its key. If you don't declare any key then the default value is considered.

Create File terraform.tfvars and Add instance_type

Define and choose your instance_type according to your needs.

instance_type = "t2.micro"