AI/ML Software Engineer ··· Data Scientist ··· AI & ML Researcher ···
TechnoNext Software Ltd. (Concern of US-Bangla Group)Dhaka, Bangladesh
Pinned Repositories
The Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic (A3C) algorithm is one of the newest algorithms to be developed under the field of Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. This algorithm was developed by Google’s DeepMind which is the Artificial Intelligence division of Google. In this repository, I have my implementations of A3C on Cartpole game, Robot arm, etc.
This repository contains my ongoing project on "Bangla License Plate Recognition using YOLOv4 & PyTesseract". YOLOv4 algorithm is used for the Detection part, then PyTesseract is used for the recognition part. Further work is in progress.
This classification task is specifically dependent on a video dataset that includes video clips of kill and death scenes from the first-person shooting game “CS Go”. I have used the ResNet-50 model for image classification and then turn it into a more accurate video classifier by employing the rolling averaging method.
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) is a model-free off-policy algorithm for learning continuous actions. It is a reinforcement learning technique that combines ideas from DPG (Deterministic Policy Gradient) and DQN (Deep Q-Network). From DQN, it uses Experience Replay and Slow-learning target networks. From DPG, it incorporates Operating over continuous action spaces.
This tutorial walks through the process of building an end-to-end service. It covers setting up a conda environment, creating functions, exposing it through an API, and running the API locally, how to dockerize the service using Dockerfile and docker-compose, and finally, how to access and interact with the containerized service.
This research work aimed to develop a handwritten character recognition model using a deep convolutional neural network and analyze the three complete datasets: BanglaLekha Isolated, CMATERdb, and Ekush and get significant accuracies for all the character classes, considering the maximum number of samples they have. The aim was to improve the basic structure of OCR based identification of documents and exam papers for the educational institutes with Bangla medium.
This API provides endpoints to search for products, retrieve the top-rated products, and get product reviews from an Amazon database.
This project is a part of my second research work on “Real-Time Detection and Recognition of traffic signs in Bangladesh using YOLOv3 Detector”. I used Keras library to build the YOLOv3 model from scratch and loaded it with a pre-trained weight file. Then I used both Keras and TensorFlow to load the model and detect several classified objects in images.
This project is a part of my ongoing research work on “Real-Time On-Road Vehicle Detection and Distance Estimation”. For this project, I have used the YOLOv4 algorithm (published in April 2020) which is considered the fastest and most accurate version of YOLO.
This project is a preliminary part of an ongoing Industrial Employee Attendance Project at Fab Lab, Independent University Bangladesh. I used the simplest "face_recognition" API for python in order to recognize faces in front of the camera. Along with it, I created an Attendance project that will use the webcam to detect faces and record the attendance live in an excel sheet. I also incorporated "datetime" library for recording the real-time when attendances are listed. The project also ensures that there is no overlap of attendance because it keeps track of the existing attendance list whenever a face is recognized.
MZayed47's Repositories
This is the first-ever project I have done using the Python programming language. During the third year of my undergraduate study, I learned the Django framework and became interested in building websites associated with JavaScript. Under the influence of excitement, I built a personal website using Django, where I can create separate profiles, record information, upload personal files, etc. I also used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, bootstrap at different levels of the project.
In this repository, most of the programs are the written in basic C language. These are the programs with which I started learning programming became a coding enthusiast.
This repository contains almost all the problems I have solved on the UVa online judge.
In this repository, I have uploaded the programs from the programming contests I have attended
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