A passionate allround developer
MH Driving Teacher Job for QBCore.
There are 15 licences you can give to players with this job.
if there is a update read the update.md, maby you need to change something.
To bill a player for a licence use /bill [id] [amount]
you can also add some objects on the road as drive test obstacles, so the student can show his/her driving skills ;)
when spawning a vehicle, you must go insite this vehicle drivers seat and use /givekeys [id]
with this you give the vehicle keys to the student so he/she can use the vehicle.
When you give the keys, you get into the co-driver's seat and take the exam.
When a student passes the exam, use /give-licence [id] [N/A/AM/B/BE/C/CE/D/DE/P/T/H]
Ex: /give-licence 1 BE
The fist licence you must always give the licence N this is the theory.
The N licence
this is only when a player does not have the N licence so you know you this player is a starter)
To take a the licence from a player use /take-licence [id] (this player is no longer licensed) Ex: /take-licence 1
The police can use this commands /give-licence 1 N
and /take-licence 1
Edit qb-smallresources/config.lua
and remove or set true to false for vehicles you don't want to be blacklisted
if you don't do this, the vehicle will spawn, but will also removeed after spawning, or it does not spawn at all.
So don't forget this part if you use the airplane or helikopter license.
To use one of this vehicles in that list, than just set it to false restart the server, and your done.
Create a folder [mh]
in resources
Put mh-drivingteacherjob
in to resources/[mh]
Load this script after target and polyzone.
in sever.sfg after [standalone]
add -> ensure [mh]
After you done with the instructions below, you can restart the server.
Edit qb-core\server\player.lua
around line 120 to this code:
PlayerData .metadata [' licences' ] = PlayerData .metadata [' licences' ] or {
[' N' ] = false , -- theory
[' AM' ] = false , -- scooter
[' A' ] = false , -- motorcycle
[' B' ] = false , -- car
[' BE' ] = false , -- car
[' C' ] = false , -- truck
[' CE' ] = false , -- truck + trailer
[' D' ] = false , -- bus
[' DE' ] = false , -- bus + trailer
[' P' ] = false , -- plane or heli pilot
[' T' ] = false , -- boat
[' H' ] = false , -- Helikopter
[' R' ] = false , -- race
[' AMB' ] = false , -- Ambulance
[' POL' ] = false , -- Police
[' business' ] = false ,
[' weapon' ] = false
Edit qb-core\shared\main.lua
why? cause if people join the server and create a new character,
they get a driver_license, and we don't want that.
QBShared .StarterItems = {
[' phone' ] = { amount = 1 , item = ' phone' },
[' id_card' ] = { amount = 1 , item = ' id_card' },
-- ['driver_license'] = { amount = 1, item = 'driver_license' },
Add to resources/[qb]/qb-management/client/cl_config.lua
to Config.BossMenus
This is the bossmenu location
[' drivingteacher' ] = {
vector3 (215.24 , - 1401.76 , 30.58 ) -- (Bossmenu)
Add to resources/[qb]/qb-management/client/cl_config.lua
to Config.BossMenuZones
This is the bossmenu zone
[' drivingteacher' ] = {
{ coords = vector3 (215.24 , - 1401.76 , 30.58 ), length = 1.15 , width = 2.6 , heading = 307.07 , minZ = 43.59 , maxZ = 44.99 },
Add To qb-core/qb-shared/jobs.lua
[' drivingteacher' ] = {
name = ' drivingteacher' ,
label = ' Driving school' ,
type = ' driveschool' ,
defaultDuty = false ,
offDutyPay = false ,
grades = {
[' 0' ] = {
name = ' Teorie instructeur' ,
payment = 250
[' 1' ] = {
name = ' Drive instructeur' ,
payment = 255
[' 2' ] = {
name = ' Fly instructeur' ,
payment = 500
[' 3' ] = {
name = ' Examen instructeur' ,
payment = 500
[' 4' ] = {
name = ' Boss' ,
isboss = true ,
payment = 1000
Add to resources/[qb]/qb-radialmenu/config.lua
inside the Config.JobInteractions
[" drivingteacher" ] = {
id = ' playerlicinceoptions2' ,
title = ' Licince Options' ,
icon = ' plus' ,
items = {
id = ' givelicince1' ,
title = ' Give' ,
icon = ' plus' ,
type = ' client' ,
event = ' mh-drivingteacherjob:client:giveLicinceMenu' ,
shouldClose = true
id = ' instructorobjects' ,
title = ' Objects' ,
icon = ' road' ,
items = {
id = ' deleteobject1' ,
title = ' Remove Object' ,
icon = ' trash' ,
type = ' client' ,
event = ' police:client:deleteObject' ,
shouldClose = false
}, {
id = ' spawnhek1' ,
title = ' Gate' ,
icon = ' torii-gate' ,
type = ' client' ,
event = ' police:client:spawnBarrier' ,
shouldClose = false
}, {
id = ' spawnpion1' ,
title = ' Cone' ,
icon = ' triangle-exclamation' ,
type = ' client' ,
event = ' police:client:spawnCone' ,
shouldClose = false
}, {
id = ' spawntent1' ,
title = ' Tent' ,
icon = ' campground' ,
type = ' client' ,
event = ' police:client:spawnTent' ,
shouldClose = false
}, {
id = ' spawnverlichting1' ,
title = ' lighting' ,
icon = ' lightbulb' ,
type = ' client' ,
event = ' police:client:spawnLight' ,
shouldClose = false
Edit qb-phone Option 1 resources/[qb]/qb-phone/server.lua
around line 1055
Change the Command bill with this code below
QBCore .Commands .Add (' bill' , ' Bill A Player' , {{name = ' id' , help = ' Player ID' }, {name = ' amount' , help = ' Fine Amount' }}, false , function (source , args )
local biller = QBCore .Functions .GetPlayer (source )
local billed = QBCore .Functions .GetPlayer (tonumber (args [1 ]))
local amount = tonumber (args [2 ])
if biller .PlayerData .job .name == " police" or biller .PlayerData .job .name == ' ambulance' or biller .PlayerData .job .name == ' mechanic' or biller .PlayerData .job .name == ' drivingteacher' then
if billed ~= nil then
if biller .PlayerData .citizenid ~= billed .PlayerData .citizenid then
if amount and amount > 0 then
MySQL .insert (' INSERT INTO phone_invoices (citizenid, amount, society, sender, sendercitizenid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' , {billed .PlayerData .citizenid , amount , biller .PlayerData .job .name , biller .PlayerData .charinfo .firstname , biller .PlayerData .citizenid })
TriggerClientEvent (' qb-phone:RefreshPhone' , billed .PlayerData .source )
TriggerClientEvent (' QBCore:Notify' , source , ' Invoice Successfully Sent' , ' success' )
TriggerClientEvent (' QBCore:Notify' , billed .PlayerData .source , ' New Invoice Received' )
TriggerClientEvent (' QBCore:Notify' , source , ' Must Be A Valid Amount Above 0' , ' error' )
TriggerClientEvent (' QBCore:Notify' , source , ' You Cannot Bill Yourself' , ' error' )
TriggerClientEvent (' QBCore:Notify' , source , ' Player Not Online' , ' error' )
TriggerClientEvent (' QBCore:Notify' , source , ' No Access' , ' error' )
end )
Edit qb-phone Option 2 resources/[qb]/qb-phone/server.lua
around line 1055
You can add or biller.PlayerData.job.name == 'drivingteacher'
to the job check if statement and add this to the end before then
if biller .PlayerData .job .name == " police" or biller .PlayerData .job .name == ' ambulance' or biller .PlayerData .job .name == ' mechanic' or biller .PlayerData .job .name == ' drivingteacher' then
Edit qb-phone/html/js/lawyers.js
to call a driving teacher (if this player is online)
you can change the colers in rgb()
Add to qb-phone/html/js/lawyers.js
around line 9/10
Add to qb-phone/html/js/lawyers.js
around line 36
if ( lawyer . typejob == "drivingteacher" ) {
drivingteacher . push ( lawyer ) ;
Add to qb-phone/html/js/lawyers.js
around line 134
$ ( ".lawyers-list" ) . append ( '<br><h1 style="font-size:1.641025641025641vh; padding:1.0256410256410255vh; color:#fff; margin-top:0; width:100%; display:block; background-color: rgb(155, 15, 120);">Driving Teacher (' + drivingteacher . length + ')</h1>' ) ;
if ( drivingteacher . length > 0 ) {
$ . each ( drivingteacher , function ( i , lawyer10 ) {
var element = '<div class="lawyer-list" id="lawyerid10-' + i + '"> <div class="lawyer-list-firstletter" style="background-color: #0d1218c0;">' + ( lawyer10 . name ) . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + '</div> <div class="lawyer-list-fullname">' + lawyer10 . name + '</div> <div class="lawyer-list-call"><i class="fas fa-phone"></i></div> </div>'
$ ( ".lawyers-list" ) . append ( element ) ;
$ ( "#lawyerid1-" + i ) . data ( 'LawyerData' , lawyer10 ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
var element = '<div class="lawyer-list"><div class="no-lawyers">There are no driving teachers online.</div></div>'
$ ( ".lawyers-list" ) . append ( element ) ;
My Youtube Channel and Discord
Add to qb-phone/html/js/lawyers.js
around line 176
$ ( ".lawyers-list" ) . append ( '<br><h1 style="font-size:1.641025641025641vh; padding:1.0256410256410255vh; color:#fff; margin-top:0; width:100%; display:block; background-color: rgb(155, 15, 120);">Driving Teacher (' + drivingteacher . length + ')</h1>' ) ;
var element = '<div class="lawyer-list"><div class="no-lawyers">There are no driving teachers.</div></div>'
$ ( ".lawyers-list" ) . append ( element ) ;
© MaDHouSe79