STM32 examples for USART using DMA for efficient RX and TX transmission
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Wrong CubeMX file in 'usart_rx_idle_line_irq_ringbuff_tx_loopback_G4' project
#41 opened by SalmanKhaja - 1
STM32H5 serial has FIFO mechanism, can you please update this new kind of method to article in addition?
#40 opened by ZeguangCai - 1
Explanation of UART Receive IDLE DMA ringbuffer
#37 opened by SONGMENGSEN - 4
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G4 flash latency too high
#11 opened by MaJerle - 1
Do the variable named usart_rx_dma_buffer not need to be declared volatileļ¼
#32 opened by gqhyuhuofei - 3
i wonder the `pos` may be handle loosely
#31 opened by mandy-yan - 5
Opening usart_rx_polling_F4
#28 opened by rbeekhuijzen - 4
problem in using multiple DMAs for RX
#29 opened by ymkim92 - 5
Using CubeMX and HAL for UART DMA on H7
#21 opened by egoltzman - 6
F411 USART Low Level Driver Not Work Well
#23 opened by djsg - 3
when dma transfer completed,is it need to reset dma memory address and datalength?
#26 opened by gqhyuhuofei - 4
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USART3 Not Found on F411 Nucleo Board
#22 opened by djsg - 5
Examples for GPDMA used on STM32U575/585
#19 opened by gawied - 1
do we have HAL version for this?
#18 opened by makaay2007 - 1
dma receive size will be zero
#16 opened by tiantian1645 - 4
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New HAL unknown length feature to be explained
#14 opened by MaJerle - 0
Explanation of UART Transmit/Receive IT or DMA
#13 opened by MaJerle - 3
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Error cloning the repository
#8 opened by icodk - 1
Uninitialized variable
#7 opened by maroviher - 2
re-entrance protection?
#6 opened by FrankBau - 5
help with RX
#5 opened by mjphillips1981 - 4
Good Idea to add a int16_t uart_get_byte(void)
#4 opened by mgiaco - 2
ESP8266 - Examples?
#3 opened by Korporal - 3
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a suggestion with README
#1 opened by DuTengChong