
This repo contains all common libraries I use for my applications

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This repo contains all common libraries I use for my applications

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Nuget Packages

Package nuget.org description
MaSch.Generators NuGet Contains common supporting code for .NET applications
MaSch.Core NuGet Contains common supporting code for .NET applications
MaSch.Core.DataAnnotation NuGet Contains common supporting code for .NET applications
MaSch.Core.EventLogging NuGet Contains a logging provider for windows Event Logging
MaSch.Data NuGet Contains supporting code for data access in .NET applications
MaSch.Console NuGet Contains supporting code for console applications
MaSch.Console.Cli NuGet Contains supporting code for console CLI applications
MaSch.Native.Windows NuGet A small collection of native API calls
MaSch.Test.Components NuGet Contains some supporting code for MSTest Unit Tests
MaSch.Presentation NuGet Contains supporting code for .NET front-end applications
MaSch.Presentation.DataAnnotation NuGet Contains supporting code for .NET front-end applications
MaSch.Presentation.Wpf NuGet Contains supporting code for .NET WPF applications
MaSch.Presentation.Wpf.DataAnnotation NuGet Contains supporting code for .NET WPF applications
MaSch.Presentation.Wpf.Themes NuGet Contains modern themes for .NET WPF application
MaSch.Presentation.Wpf.Controls NuGet Contains advanced controls for .NET WPF applications
MaSch.Presentation.Wpf.MaterialDesign NuGet Contains an icon set for Material Design provided by https://materialdesignicons.com/ for use in .NET WPF applications
MaSch.Presentation.Wpf.Win10 NuGet Contains the icon set used in Windows 10 provided by Microsoft for use in .NET WPF applications
MaSch.Presentation.Wpf.Prism NuGet Contains supporting code for .NET WPF applications using the Prism framework from Microsoft