Primary LanguageKotlin


A tool to transform OSM indoor maps mapped with the IndoorOSM schema to the SIT schema


  • Set the parameters in config.json to your requirements
  • Execute the script. This will generate 2 files:
    1. export/export_xx.osc - this is the osm change file containing information what has changed during the transformation
    2. logs/xx.log - contains logs about the transformation process, e.g. stats or elements that couldn't be transformed
  • the next step is to load the osc file into the editor of your choice and check if the transformation was successful. Maybe smaller corrections need to be done here.
  • If you checked the data for correctness the osc data can be committed directly to osm or be integrated with the data in your editor


The config file consists out of the following values

Parameter Explanation Example
username the username under which the changeset is authored "username": "testUser"
userId the userId under which the changeset is authored "userId": "123456987453"
serverUrl The osm api endpoint to use "serverUrl": "https://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/"
changesetId the id given by the server for a changeset "changesetId": "123456789"
maxWallWidthInM the wall thickness threshold for horizontal merging. How far apart can two lines max be to get merged "maxWallWidthInM": 0.4
maxLevelConnectionNodeOffsetInM the wall thickness threshold for vertical merging. "maxLevelConnectionNodeOffsetInM": 0.6
areas a list of areas to transform "areas": [area1, area2]

An area is a pretty self explanatory JS object: { "minLongitude": 49.41689, "maxLongitude": 49.41969, "minLatitude": 8.67180, "maxLatitude": 8.67695 }

The maxWallWidthInM defines the thickness a wall can have to be recognized as one in indoorOsm, whereas the maxLevelConnectionNodeOffsetInM is the threshold how big levelConnections can be slipped to count as above each other.



When executing maven compile one needs to add set the settings file explicitly. mvn -s settings.xml compile

See the following for details: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44265547/how-to-properly-specify-jcenter-repository-in-maven-config


There is a runnable standalone jar in kp-transformation-von-indoor-karten/out/artifacts/2SIT_jar/2SIT.jar. Standalone means you can copy it anywhere and it will run with java -jar 2SIT.jar, given there is a config.json in the same directory.