
Adventure/VN scripting API for the Godot Engine

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Godot Adventure API


Adventure/Visual Novel scripting API for the Godot Engine. Basically, using a simple API, you can setup 'clickables' that you can click/tap to:

  • start dialogue/conversation with characters that have different 'thumbnails'
  • show a choice & run a callback function with the result
  • show an overlay or play audio during a dialogue (character voices support coming soon) You would use Godot's built in functionality to change scenes, add music, etc.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository or download it
  2. In the Godot project manager, select 'import' to add this project
  3. Get started by glancing at the template scene & reading the docs below


Basic usage

  1. Open up the template scene (only scene included), this will serve as a basic game scene
  2. The whole framework is in GameManager.gd, it includes the functions you need
  3. Insert 'clickables' (items in game the user can click) and .connect() them (or use the GUI!)
  4. Start using the API! Note that ClickManager.gd is there so you can test the framework


Reference GameManager.gd (anywhere in the template scene)

onready var g = get_tree().get_root().get_node('GameManager')

Add the Characters & thier thumbnails

g.char_thumbs['Harold Finch'] = preload('res://assets/sample/s_Finch.png')
g.char_thumbs['Clime'] = preload('res://assets/sample/s_Clime.png')
#...for each character...

Add a dialogue (conversations that can characters have)

g.dialogue('Clime', "Hi! I am Clime, and this is something I'm saying!", 0)
g.dialogue('Harold Finch', 'Hey Clime, nice to meet you!', 0)
g.dialogue('Clime', 'Do you prefer cats or dogs?', 0)

Add a choice (choice the player has to make that influence game flow)

g.choice(['I prefer cats!', 'I prefer dogs!'], '_ch_catsOrDogs', self, 0)

var lovesCatsOrDogs = '' #so we can use the selection later

func _ch_catsOrDogs(selection):
  if selection == 0: #if they love cats...
    lovesCatsOrDogs = 'cats'
    g.dialogue('Clime', 'Oh, so you prefer cats I see...', 0)
  elif selection == 1: #if they love dogs...
    lovesCatsOrDogs = 'dogs'
    g.dialogue('Clime', 'Dogs it is!', 0)
  g.dialogue('Clime' 'Prefer any species?', 0)
  g.choice(['Not really...', 'O yes!'], '_ch_speciesPref', self, 0)

func _ch_speciesPref(selection):
  #...and so on...

Note how whenever there's a choice, the game execution has to continue from the callback function

Add a mid-conversation media (photo/audio)

var my_photo = preload(res://assets/sample/samplePhoto.png)
g.media('sprite', my_photo, 0)

g.media('audio', 'audio_name_in_godot', 0)

Note you can't just hide/show a photo using normal Godot scripting due to the framework's internal implementation (see implementation note below)

Extra configuration

Optional configurations accepted. Set them in _ready() before using any of the framework's function to take effect.

Different clearing styles:

g.async_dialogues = true #media presists during last dialogue

planned in the future:

g.dialogue_timeout = 0 #default, show next dialogue/photo/choice on user click
               = n #show next dialogue/photo/choice after n milliseconds
#keep the thumbnail of a character on screen even after finishing dialogue (VN-style)
g.remove_thumb(charName) #remove kept thumbnail

What are all these zeroes at the end?

They will be used in the future to implement a system where you could vary the position of the GUI elements. This could be used to position the character thumbnails in different positions during a conversation, etc.

Note about framework implementation

The framework works by adding all dialogue(), choice(), and media() call parameters into a FIFO-style array at runtime. This means that any logic you execute between two of these functions will happen after both these functions' effect has executed.

This is the reason you can't just do a sprite.set_hidden(false) in the middle of multiple dialogue functions. It also means that whenever choice() is used, all following game logic/other functions should be executed after the choice's callback function runs. (if a better implementation is ever contributed, it will be accepted with open arms!)