
This Repository contain thr machine learning assignmnets and projects

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This Repository contain the machine learning assignmnets and projects

##Topic Detector This is my Machine learning course research project it will classify 11 to 12 topics the speciality of this project is to detect the topic from Tweet 240 character.

##Telecom Churn Prediction This is my Capstone Project of Data Science Certifiation at Frontier Institute of Technology,here we work on orange compnay dataset

##Clustering_on_RetailDataset This is my Module 4 Un Supervised Learning Assignment,in this we do clustering on retail data set.

##Online_shoppers_intenton customer profiling This is my Final Assignmnet of Un Supervised Learning,in this we did customer profiling of online shoppers intention

##Market_Basket_Analysis This is my Module 4 assignmnet of Un Supervised Learning.