In today’s world, we are always striving for building applications which can adapt to constantly changing needs. We want our systems to flexible, resilient, scalable and withstand end user’s high expectations. Considering these needs, a Reactive Manifesto was put together, with best practices which will help us build robust applications. Following four pillars makes a strong base of reactive application.
Responsive Resilient Elastic Message Driven
The solution to build this kind of architecture is to adapt design patterns across the industry.
Here I am Sharing my knowledge with Design patterns, their applications, when to use them with live coded examples in c++.
Design Patterns:
- Factory Design Pattern
- Abstract Factory Design Pattern
- Singleton Design Pattern
- Observer Design Pattern
- Prototype Design Pattern
- Builder Design Pattern
Each directory has a code and a docx explaining about the design patttern, it's uses, code with comments for better understanding, an UML Diagram, practical applications and some resources/references from where you can learn and explore more.
References: [Video Link]: [Content Link]: