
Karaoke bot for Discord. +other random features.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NOTICE: This bot doesn't work anymore in the current version of Discord.


This bot will keep track of the queue during karaoke, allowing people to join, leave or show the current queue with a simple command.


To install everything needed, run the following commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/Maanahau/ParkMaid.git
$ cd ParkMaid
$ npm install

You will need to set up a database, i used mysql but you can use whatever you want as long as it's supported by Sequelize.


Before starting your bot, you will need to create a file named config.json, which will be like the following

    "TOKEN" : "your bot token here",
    "OWNER_ID": "your discord user id here",

    "DATABASE" : "name of your database",
    "USER": "user",
    "PASSWORD": "password",
    "ADDRESS": "address where you're hosting your database",
    "DIALECT": "mysql/mariadb/etc.."

This will contain the data needed to access your database, the bot's token and your discord id.

First use

To start the bot, run the command

$ npm start

Your bot has no permissions set at the moment. The first thing you want to do is ?mod add @role to give a role moderator permissions. You can now set permissions for every group of commands. Mods bypass every permission in the server.?help can always be used by everyone.

Moderator commands

Command Description Example
?prefix <newprefix> Change prefix to newprefix.
?showperms <mods|roles|channels> Show current permissions. ?showperms mods
?mod <add|remove> <@role> Give or revoke moderator permissions to @role. ?mod remove 'New Member'
?roleperms <add|remove> <@role> <group> Give or revoke permission to use group commands to @role. ?roleperms add Member karaoke
?channelperms <add|remove> <#channel> <group> Give or revoke permission to use group commands in #channel. ?channelperms add #bots karaoke

Command groups

Group Description
karaoke Join, leave and show the current queue.
karaoke_host Queue management

Karaoke commands

Command Description
?queue Show the current queue.
?join [once] Join the current queue. Use ?join once to join for a single song.
?leave Leave the current queue.
?skip Swap position in the queue with the person singing after you.

Karaoke Host commands

Command Description Example
?start Start a karaoke session.
?end Stop the current karaoke session.
?add <@user> [top|bottom|number] [once] Add @user to the queue. If a position is not given, they will be placed at the bottom. Using ?add on a user already in queue will result in the user being moved to the given position. ?add @Maanahau 5 once
?remove <@user> Remove @user from the queue. ?remove @Maanahau
?next Shift queue forward by 1.
?prev Shift queue back by 1.