
Freedom Object Notation is a free form data format, was created for the Freedom programming language

MIT LicenseMIT

fdon specification

Freedom Object Notation is a free form data format, was created for the Freedom programming language.


  • whitespace: =, , and whitespace ( , \t, \r, \n )

  • special: {, }, [, ], (, ) :, ',

  • data: everything else


Fdon structure consists of the base fdon-base and the extensions fdon-types and fdon-functions.

fdon-base :

  • A value is a literal, an object or an array.

  • A literal is sequence of data characters or any characters enclosed in '.

  • An array is sequence of values enclosed in [ and ].

  • An object is a collection of name value pairs enclosed in { and }.

  • A name value pair is a literal followed by a value.


{ name Akritas tags [ human developer ] }

Note: The characters = and , are defined as whitespace, so the following is equivalent:

    name = 'Akritas'
    tags = [ 'human', 'developer' ]

fdon-types :

  • A type may be specified to an object by prepending the type name followed by :.

  • A id may be specified to an object with type by prepending the id name followed by :.

  • A comment is sequence of characters which starts with # and ends with a new line.


DefaultConfig : Config : {
    music 1.0
    sound 1.0

Note: An object with id also defines a new type which inherits from the its type:

UserConfig : DefaultConfig : {
    sound 0

fdon-functions :

  • A function call is a function name followed by its arguments enclosed in ( and ).

  • A function declaration is the literal function followed by a function call followed by a object using the argument names.


function rgb ( v1 v2 v3 ) = Color : { r v1, g v2, b v3 }

white : rgb ( 255 255 255 )
black : rgb (   0   0   0 )

Note: Function declarations do not have to be defined in the fdon document, they can be defined in the parser.

Arc :{  size 10  angle radians(1.5)  }


