
An api made in nodejs & express

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#PhoneBook - app api in Express/Nodejs

The api uri preceed all API endpoints and the following endpoints are currently available

  • GET /api/contacts
  • POST /api/contacts
  • GET /api/contacts/:id
  • PUT /api/contacts/:id
  • PATCH /api/contacts/:id
  • DELETE /api/contacts/:id

How to Install & Use

Install Nodejs-(LTS) from this site https://nodejs.org/en/

Open "cmd" OR command prompt / terminal in windows/linx

  • Open project folder & type : "npm install" It will install all dependencies required by this project

Install mongodb for database & mongodbcompass for exploring database & management https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community https://www.mongodb.com/products/compass

  • Start the mongodb server mongod.exe or mongo.exe in start menu or search from search bar

  • Go to project folder & open cmd , type: " npm start " This will start the api-server

Go to this url: "localhost:8080/api/contacts"

  • Currently it is empty because there is nothing in database
  • Open mongodb compass & click connect(leave the input field as it is), it will automatically connect to local host & select the database "Contact or resthub" Insert data into it & goto browser refresh & you will see the data