
System for Automatic Filtering of Tests for ComplianceAsCode project

Primary LanguagePython


Purpose of this project is automatic tests filtering for project ComplianceAsCode.

This project filters tests based on static analysis of changed files. Changed files are taken from git, analysed based on a type of each file, and the analysis result is used for the test selection.


  • Python 3.4 or newer
  • Git 1.7 or newer
  • GitPython (Python package)
  • PyYAML (Python package)
  • DeepDiff (Python package)
  • Jinja2 (Python package)
  • xmldiff (Python package)
  • requests (Python package, required for experiments and Github comments)



yum install python3 git
pip install gitpython PyYAML deepdiff Jinja2 xmldiff requests
git clone https://github.com/mildas/content-test-filtering

WARNING: For analysis of Jinja files, ComplianceAsCode dependencies are required. See ComplianceAsCode Developer Guide


Project has two modes how to get changes from git:

$ python3 content_test_filtering.py --help
usage: content_test_filtering.py [-h] {pr,branch} ...

positional arguments:
  {pr,branch}  Subcommands: pr, branch
    pr         Compare base against selected pull request
    branch     Compare base against selected branch

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

Both modes have common optional arguments:

  • -h, --help - Help message.
  • --base BASE_BRANCH - Base branch which is used for comparison with new changes. If not provided, master branch is used as base branch.
  • --repository REPOSITORY_PATH - Path to ComplianceAsCode repository. If not provided, the repository will be clonned into temporary folder under /tmp path. WARNING: Newly clonned repository is NOT deleted after finishing.
  • --remote_repo REMOTE_REPO - Remote repository for pulling, updating and finding remote branches (Pull Requests). Default is https://github.com/ComplianceAsCode/content.
  • --local - Force the project to use local branch and to not pull changes from remote repository. For testing purposes.
  • --verbose - Increase verbose level of logging to DEBUG level.
  • --output-tests - Outputs only list of tests. Completely turns off all other outputs.
  • --output-format {raw,markdown} - Output format selection. Default is raw.


Pull request mode As an example of is used PR#4957

$ python3 content_test_filtering.py pr 4957
Changes identified:
  Profile ospp on rhel7:
    Rule directory_access_var_log_audit removed from ospp profile.
  Profile ncp on rhel7:
    NCP profile extends changed OSPP profile.
  Profile cui on rhel7:
    CUI profile extends changed OSPP profile.

Recommended tests to execute:
    build_product rhel7
    tests/test_suite.py profile --libvirt qemu:///system test-suite-vm --datastream build/ssg-rhel7-ds.xml cui
    tests/test_suite.py profile --libvirt qemu:///system test-suite-vm --datastream build/ssg-rhel7-ds.xml ospp
    tests/test_suite.py profile --libvirt qemu:///system test-suite-vm --datastream build/ssg-rhel7-ds.xml ncp

Branch mode Branch mode is similar as Pull request mode. The difference is in arguments used. ComplainceAsCode project usually doesn't have any branches, so for testing purposes was created ctf_test_branch at forked repository.

WARNING: You need to specify remote repository. And add it to git tracked repositories (git remote command) or let content-test-filtering to clone it's own repository.

$ python3 content_test_filtering.py branch --remote_repo https://github.com/mildas/scap-security-guide ctf_test_branch
Changes identified:
  Rule sshd_use_approved_macs:
    Ansible remediation changed.
  Rule rpm_verify_permissions:
    Found change in bash remediation.
    Python abstract syntax tree change found in ssg/utils.py.

Recommended tests to execute:
    build_product wrlinux1019
    tests/test_suite.py rule --libvirt qemu:///system test-suite-vm --remediate-using ansible --datastream build/ssg-wrlinux1019-ds.xml sshd_use_approved_macs
    tests/test_suite.py rule --libvirt qemu:///system test-suite-vm --remediate-using bash --datastream build/ssg-wrlinux1019-ds.xml rpm_verify_permissions
    (cd build && cmake ../ && ctest -j4)

Local testing

For testing purposes on local changes is created the --local argument. When the argument is passed, no branches will be pulled from a remote repository, the provided branch name must be at the local repository.

Local testing example:

$ cd /tmp/content
$ git checkout -b "test_branch"
Switched to a new branch 'test_branch'
$ vim ./linux_os/guide/services/ssh/ssh_server/sshd_disable_compression/ansible/shared.yml # Change the file
$ git diff
-{{{ ansible_sshd_set(parameter="Compression", value="delayed") }}}
+{{{ ansible_sshd_set(parameter="Compression", value="0") }}}
$ git add ./linux_os/guide/services/ssh/ssh_server/sshd_disable_compression/ansible/shared.yml
$ git commit -m "Update remediation"
$ cd ~/content-test-filtering
$ python3 content_test_filtering.py branch --local --repository /tmp/content test_branch                                                                                             
Changes identified:
  Rule sshd_disable_compression:
    Template usage changed in ansible remediation.

Recommended tests to execute:
    build_product wrlinux1019
    tests/test_suite.py rule --libvirt qemu:///system test-suite-vm --remediate-using ansible --datastream build/ssg-wrlinux1019-ds.xml sshd_disable_compression