
An example template to stream market data updates from Phemex using Python3. Use at your own risk.

Primary LanguagePython


A template/example using Python3 to connect/stream market data/updates from Phemex.

Disclaimer: Use at your own risk.

Pitfalls/Features to add:

  1. Implement a way to manage heartbeats (ping/pong message correspondence), so as to keep the connection alive.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Create a new virtual environment, or use an existing virtual environment.
  3. To get this working with your own Phemex API key ID and secret key, you'll need to create a .env file in the same repository/directory of the project.
  4. Your key ID variable should be named key_id and your secret key variable should be named secret_key, in your .env file.
  5. Finally, create a new project (if using an IDE) and use the repository as the root directory of the project, and hit build/run.

NOTE: This was built and tested with PyCharm on Windows10.