
vscode docker atcoder-cli online-jadge-tools

Primary LanguageC++


atcoder-cli usage : http://tatamo.81.la/blog/2018/12/07/atcoder-cli-tutorial/ online-jadge-tools usage : https://online-judge-tools.readthedocs.io/en/master/introduction.ja.html

1. Open dev container with vscode

2. Login with atcoder-cli

$ acc login
$ oj login https://beta.atcoder.jp/ 

3. Fetch the contest

If you want to fetch abc140/A,

$ acc new abc140 --template cpp

Select problem A

$ cd abc140/a

4. Write a code & Compile it

$ vim main.cpp
$ g++ -std=gnu++1y -O2 -I/opt/boost/gcc/include -L/opt/boost/gcc/lib -o ./a.out ./main.cpp

5. Run the test

$ oj t -d ./tests/

6. Submit the code

$ acc submit

7. Add another problem.

$ cd ../
$ acc add --template cpp

Edit templates

$ vim .config/atcoder-cli-nodejs/cpp/main.cpp