- java version"11.0.5"
- jl1.0.1.jar
├── .idea
├── out
├── src
│ ├── Board.java
│ ├── chiefduck.png
│ ├── Duck.java
│ ├── duck.png
│ ├── Constants.java
│ ├── MainFrame.java
│ ├── FrameUtil.java
│ ├── Lily.java
│ ├── lili.png
│ ├── LoginMusic.java
│ ├── RandomGeneator.java
│ ├── Rock.java
│ └── rock.png
├── bg.jpg
├── bg1.png
├── bgm.mp3
├── jl1.0.1.jar
└── whistle.mp3
There are many rocks and water lilies in a pond.And ducks born, live and die in the pool.The water lilies grow back randomly in the pond. When a duck borns, it moves in the pond and when it meets a water lily, it eats it and when it eats, the duck grows.If a duck does not eat after a certain time, it will lose weight and if it continues to lose weight it will eventually die.When a duck gets bigger and bigger it eventually becomes a head duck, in which case it changes color.A chief duck is the only one that whistles and the other ducks line up behind him in single file.
- Duck Duck class defines duck's x-coordinate , y-coordinate , width , height , x-speed , y-speed
public class Duck implements GameConstants { private int x; private int y; private int wsize; private int hsize; private int xSpeed; private int ySpeed; ...Defines ducks move and when they meet pond edge,they will change their direction
public void move(Duck duck){ x+=xSpeed; y+=ySpeed; if(x>=GWIDTH-duck.getWsize()) { xSpeed = -Math.abs(xSpeed); } else if(x<=0) { xSpeed = Math.abs(xSpeed); } else if(y>=GHEIGHT-duck.getHsize()) { ySpeed = -Math.abs(ySpeed); } else if(y<=0) { ySpeed = Math.abs(ySpeed); } }Defines constructor
public Duck() { this.x = duckx.getRandom2(50,GWIDTH); this.y = ducky.getRandom2(50,GHEIGHT); this.xSpeed = speedRandom.getRandom(MIN_SPEED,MAX_SPEED); this.ySpeed = speedRandom.getRandom(MIN_SPEED,MAX_SPEED); this.wsize = 40; this.hsize = 40; }
- Lily
Defines related properties and constructor
public class Lily implements GameConstants { private int x; private int y; private int w; private int h; ...public Lily() { this.x = ballPostion.getRandom(50,GWIDTH-40); this.y = ballPostiony.getRandom(50,GHEIGHT-60); this.w = 30; this.h= 23; }
- Rock
Defines related properties and constructor
public class Rock { private int x; private int y; private int w; private int h; ...public Rock() { this.x = ballPostion.getRandom(50, GameConstants.GWIDTH - 40); this.y = ballPostiony.getRandom(50, GameConstants.GHEIGHT - 60); this.w = 63; this.h = 50; }
Defines some constants that need to be used
public interface Constants { int GWIDTH = 1000; int GHEIGHT = 600; String TITLE = "DuckPondModel"; int DELAY = 10; int MAX_SPEED = 1; int MIN_SPEED = -1; int INI_DUCKS = 2; int MAX_DUCKS = 5; int MAX_LILIES = 5; int ROCK = 3; }
jli.0.1.jar provides audio file support
Write a utility class to find the path of the image you want and use
to read it. OverridepaintComponent()
and draw the background, duck, lily and stone on the panel.@Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); g.drawImage(new ImageIcon("bg.jpg").getImage(),0,0, null); drawDucks(g); drawLilies(g); drawRocks(g); }Draw a duck as an example
private void drawDucks(Graphics g) { for(Duck duck : ducks) { if (duck.getWsize() < 64 || duck.getHsize() < 64) { duck.drawDuck(g); } if (duck.getWsize() >= 64 || duck.getHsize() >= 64) { duck.drawDuck2(g); duck_chief.set(ducks.indexOf(duck),1); } duck.move(); duck.changeDirection(duck); } }Image image = GameUtil.getImage("duck.png"); Image image2 = GameUtil.getImage("chiefduck.png"); public void drawDuck(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(image, x, y, wsize,hsize,null); } public void drawDuck2(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(image2, x, y, wsize,hsize,null); }Draw the start interface background
class MyPanel extends JPanel{ public void paint(Graphics g){ super.paint(g); g.drawImage(new ImageIcon("bg.jpg").getImage(),0,0, null); g.drawImage(new ImageIcon("bg1.png").getImage(),220,100, null); } }
method.In MainFrame.java ,set the button event listener,when play button is pressed,the listener responds to the event,go to the new panel.
jb = new JButton("play"); ... jb.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Go to the new panel mp.setVisible(false); jb.setVisible(false); t.stop(); Board board = new Board(); add(board); } });Use
Class to trigger theActionEvent
event at a predetermined frequency to achieve dynamic effect.
: Sets the time interval between the two events
: the listener that triggers the event of the Timer classtimer = new Timer(DELAY,this); timer.start();Override
method to repaint the panel.@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {+ for(int i=0;i<ducks.size();i++){ if(duck_colision.get(i)==0) Collision(); } Eat(); RockCollision(); }duck move: speed is random
public void move(Duck duck) { x+=xSpeed; y+=ySpeed; ...Ducks and lilies use threads to generate continuously , but ducks have the largest number, If the number of ducks is less than the maximum, a new one is born.
Whether to eat lilies was determined by examining whether ducks and lilies overlapped.Use
to remove the lily was ate and use an arraylist to mark it.private void Eat(){ for(int i = 0; i< ducks.size(); i++) { for(int j = 0; j< lilies.size(); j++) { if(checkEat(ducks.get(i), lilies.get(j))) { // System.out.println(" "+ducks.get(i).getX()+ " "+ ducks.get(i).getY()+" "+lilies.get(j).getX()+ " "+ lilies.get(j).getY()); lilies.remove(j); duck_lily.set(i,duck_lily.get(i)+1); // duck_data[i].set(0,1); duck_sign.set(i,1); } } } } private boolean checkEat(Duck firstDuck, Lily firstLily) { int xDistance2 = firstDuck.getX() - firstLily.getX(); int yDistance2 = firstDuck.getY() - firstLily.getY(); boolean sign1=false; if(firstDuck.getWsize()> firstLily.getW()&&firstDuck.getHsize()> firstLily.getH()) sign1= (xDistance2 >= -firstDuck.getWsize() && xDistance2 <= firstLily.getW()) && (yDistance2 >= -firstLily.getH() && yDistance2 <= firstDuck.getHsize()); else if(firstDuck.getWsize()< firstLily.getW()&&firstDuck.getHsize()> firstLily.getH()) sign1= (xDistance2 >= -firstDuck.getWsize()&& xDistance2 <= firstLily.getW()) && (yDistance2 >= -firstLily.getH() && yDistance2 <= firstDuck.getHsize()); else if(firstDuck.getWsize()< firstLily.getW()&&firstDuck.getHsize()< firstLily.getH()) sign1= (xDistance2 >=-firstDuck.getWsize() && xDistance2 <= firstLily.getW()) && (yDistance2 >= -firstLily.getH() && yDistance2 <= firstDuck.getHsize()); return sign1; }Similar to ducks eating lilies, ducks change speed when they collide with each other or with rocks
Judge by the mark,duck become bigger or smaller.Ducks will disappear when they become smaller and smaller, and become ducks when they become bigger and bigger. The size of ducks is used as a judgment condition
for(int i = 0;i<ducks.size();i++){ if(duck_sign.get(i)==1&&(ducks.get(i).getWsize()<=72||ducks.get(i).getHsize()<=72)){ ducks.get(i).setWsize(ducks.get(i).getWsize()+8); ducks.get(i).setHsize(ducks.get(i).getHsize()+8); duck_sign.set(i, 0); } if(ducks.get(i).getWsize()<=8||ducks.get(i).getHsize()<=8){ ducks.remove(i); duck_lily.remove(i); duck_sign.remove(i); duck_chief.remove(i); duck_colision.remove(i); duck_member.remove(i); } } ``` ##### Chief duck When the duck becomes the chief duck, it is marked. Through the mark, the whistle thread is triggered, and all the other ducks will follow the chief duck, keeping the speed direction of each duck pointing to the position of the previous duck. ```java if (duck.getWsize() >= 64 || duck.getHsize() >= 64) { duck.drawDuck2(g); duck_chief.set(ducks.indexOf(duck),1); sign=true; // duck_data[ducks.indexOf(duck)].set(1,1); } ``` ```java Thread t_4= new Thread(){ public void run() { while (!result) { if (duck_chief.contains(1)) { int a = duck_chief.indexOf(1); for(int i = 0; i < duck_chief.size(); i++){ duck_member.set(i, i); duck_colision.set(i, 1); } duck_member.set(0, a); duck_member.set(a, 0); for (int i = 1; i < duck_member.size(); i++) { ducks.get(duck_member.get(i)).setxSpeed((ducks.get(duck_member.get(i-1)).getX() - ducks.get(duck_member.get(i)).getX())/ducks.get(a).getWsize()); ducks.get(duck_member.get(i)).setySpeed((ducks.get(duck_member.get(i-1)).getY() - ducks.get(duck_member.get(i)).getY())/ducks.get(a).getWsize()); } } } } }; t_4.start(); ``` ![image4](https://github.com/lyufan/Java-project/blob/master/image/image4.png)
: Start UI background musict_duck
: Born duckst_lily
:Born liliest_1
: Ducks grow and deadt_2
: Ducks lose weightt_3
: Chief ducks whistlet_4
: Chief queue