This is an private (enterprise) Python library project template I used for years. You can easily generate a folder structure with everything you need and start development, then publish to PyPI.
Best practices and automation features included in this template:
- Virtualenv management
- Dependencies management
- Local unit test and code coverage test
- Build and preview documentation site locally
- Use GitHub Action for CI
- Use AWS CodeArtifact for Private PyPI Repository.
- Use AWS S3 Static Website hosting the Docs for hosting private accessible document website.
All the best practice used in this repo is based on my career experience, and my personal opinion. I have done over 50+ private (enterprise) Python library projects. It is the best practice I am using for years. It allow me to publish a new Python library to PyPI in one hour when I got an idea. Again, it is my personal best practice, please use it at your own risk.
Enter the following command, it will use the latest template.
pip install cookiecutter && cookiecutter
Or, you can use a specific released version, you can find full list of release at here.
Use specific version:
cookiecutter --checkout tags/${version}
For example (v3 is the latest as of 2024-10-21)
cookiecutter --checkout tags/v3
Then fill in some information:
package_name [your_package_name_with_underscore]: ... github_username [your-github-username]: ... author_name [Firstname Lastname]: ... author_email []: ... ...
Then it will generate a Git repo folder structures like this:
: GitHub action configuration/${package_name}/...
your python project source code/tests/...
: unit test/.coveragerc
: code coverage test config/private_pyproject_ops.json
: automation tool config file
We have an example project generated from this template aws_code_artifact_python_example-project. Please take a look at it.
I personally use a branch to generate code skeleton for my open source projects.
cookiecutter --checkout sanhe