
A free, open-source, and completely encrypted notes app. Mac, PC, & Linux app repository | https://standardnotes.com

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Standard Notes

latest release version License Slack Twitter Follow

This application makes use of the core JS/CSS/HTML code found in the web repo. For issues related to the actual app experience, please post issues in the web repo.

Running Locally

Make sure Yarn is installed on your system.

yarn setup
yarn build:web # Or `yarn dev:web`
yarn dev

# In another terminal
yarn start

We use commitlint to validate commit messages. Before making a pull request, make sure to check the output of the following commands:

yarn lint
yarn test # make sure to start `yarn dev` before running the tests

Pull requests should target the develop branch.

Installing dependencies

To determine where to install a dependency:

  • If it is only required for building, install it in package.json's devDependencies
  • If it is required at runtime but can be packaged by webpack, install it in package.json's dependencies.
  • If it must be distributed as a node module (not packaged by webpack), install it in app/package.json's dependencies
    • Also make sure to declare it as an external commonjs dependency in webpack.common.js.


Build for all platforms:

  • yarn build:all


  • yarn build appimage
  • yarn build mac
  • yarn build snap
  • yarn build windows


On Linux, download the latest AppImage from the Releases page, and give it executable permission:

chmod u+x standard-notes*.AppImage