
Mac Source Ports Build System

Primary LanguageShell


Mac Source Ports Build System

This repo contains the Mac Source Ports build system files. As much as possible I'm trying to break away from using MSP-specific forks and instead use the original project's code, this makes it easier to incorporate their latest code and release strategies.

In the scripts:

PRODUCT_NAME is the name given to the app bundle wraper (i.e., PRODUCT_NAME.app) and the dmg (i.e., PRODUCT_NAME-1.0.dmg)

PROJECT_NAME is the name of the actual project and the directory it's cloned into.

PORT_NAME is the name of the source port, this one might have spaces, punctuation, etc., (i.e., ArxLibertatis versus Arx Libertatis)

If the notrarization fails get the submission GUID and run

xcrun notarytool log (GUID) --key "../../MSPBuildSystem/common/${AUTH_KEY_FILENAME}" --key-id "${AUTH_KEY_ID}" --issuer "${AUTH_KEY_ISSUER_ID}"

If you need to remove the quarantine from an app

sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /path/to/MyApp.app