
Adds versioned DTO support for RESTful APIs

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

apitk-dtomapper-bundle - DTO handling


This bundle adds versioned DTO support for RESTful API's.


Install the package via composer:

composer require check24/apitk-dtomapper-bundle



Add this to your services.yaml so the bundle can automatically load and use the mapper services:

        resource: '../src/DtoMapper'
        public: true

Writing Mappers

Create a mapper class in the folder src/DtoMapper (or whichever you configured) which implements the MapperInterface and transforms incoming data into a single DTO:

use Shopping\ApiTKDtoMapperBundle\DtoMapper\MapperInterface;

class UserV1Mapper implements MapperInterface
     * @param User $data
     * @return Dto\UserV1
    public function map($data): Dto\UserV1
        $userDto = new Dto\UserV1();

        return $userDto;

In your controller replace the @Rest\View() annotation with the corresponding @Dto\View() mentioning the mapper to use:

use Shopping\ApiTKDtoMapperBundle\Annotation as DtoMapper;

 * @Rest\Get("/v1/users")
 * @DtoMapper\View(dtoMapper="App\DtoMapper\UserV1Mapper")
 * @param EntityManagerInterface $entityManager
 * @return User[]
public function getUsersV1(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)
    $userRepository = $entityManager->getRepository(User::class);

    $users = $userRepository->findAll();

    return $users;

The bundle now automatically transform whatever you return in the action with the help of the given mapper into an DTO. When you return an array of data in your controller, the mapper will be called on every single element. You don't have to worry about that.

Also the bundle auto generates a swagger response with code 200 and the corresponding DTO scheme (respectively an array of DTOs), so you don't have to add the redundant @SWG\Response(). For this to work, just take care that your Mapper has a correct return typehint (f.e. public function map($data): FoobarDto) and that your controller action has a return annotation, which states if an array or object is returned (f.e. * @return Foobar[]). You can still overwrite this by your own @SWG\Response() annotation.

Serialized DTO view

If you wish to return the DTOs in a serialize($dto) manner instead of json, implement the available dto view handler.

            dto: ['application/vnd.dto'] # You can specify whatever mime type you want, just map it to "dto".
        view_handler: app.view_handler
        autowire: true
        autoconfigure: false
        public: false
        parent: fos_rest.view_handler.default
            - ['registerHandler', ['dto', ['@Shopping\ApiTKDtoMapperBundle\Handler\PhpViewHandler', 'createResponse']]]

When calling the API with the Accept: application/vnd.dto header, you will get the DTO as an unserializable string.