Spring Functional Test

This project provides functional tests of Macchinetta Server Framework (1.x) Development Guideline.

Project structure

Two types of bean definition methods are available: JavaConfig-based and XMLConfig-based.
The project structure under the JavaConfig and XMLConfig folders is the same for both.

Project structure

|- spring-functionaltest-initdb
|- JavaConfig 
|    |- spring-functionaltest-env
|    |- spring-functionaltest-domain
|    |- spring-functionaltest-web
|    |- spring-functionaltest-env-functions
|    |- spring-functionaltest-selenium
|    |- spring-functionaltest-web-xxxx
|    |- (omitted)
∟ XMLConfig
     |- (omitted)

Description of each project

project name summary
spring-functionaltest-env spring-functionaltest-web dedicated environment definition
Contains H2 table definitions for DB Appender and starts H2DB at web startup
spring-functionaltest-domain spring-functionaltest-web dedicated domain project
spring-functionaltest-web Provides only H2 startup and index to each function
spring-functionaltest-env-functions Environment definition for test projects
spring-functionaltest-selenium selenium project
spring-functionaltest-web-xxxx Project to test each function

How to perform functional test

Preconditions are as follow:

  • JDK 17 installed (JAVA_HOME defined as environment variable)
  • Maven installed (Can run mvn command)
  • Firefox(for personal or ESR) installed (ESR is used on our CI environment)

[Step 1] Clone a repository

Clone the Macchinetta/spring-functionaltest repository into local machine.

$ git clone https://{remote host url}/Macchinetta/spring-functionaltest.git

[Step 2] Create database of PostgreSQL (Optional)

If PostgreSQL use as database , you need to create database of PostgreSQL into local machine. (PostgreSQL can download via here site).

If H2 use as database, you can skip this step.

Download & install

By default, database owner is postgres user, and password of postgres user is 'P0stgres'.

Create database

$ createdb -U postgres --locale=C --encoding=UTF8 --template=template0 spring-functionaltest
$ createdb -U postgres --locale=C --encoding=UTF8 --template=template0 spring-functionaltest-open
$ createdb -U postgres --locale=C --encoding=UTF8 --template=template0 spring-functionaltest-close

Initialize database

If PostgreSQL use as database, initialize database before run functional test.

$ cd spring-functionaltest-initdb
$ mvn -U sql:execute -P local-postgres
$ mvn -U sql:execute -P local-postgres-open
$ mvn -U sql:execute -P local-postgres-close

If you not use default user(postgres) or password(P0stgres), you should specify -Ddb.username={your user} or -Ddb.password={your password} or both.

[Step 3] Build artifacts

After navigating to the Configration to be used, build the artifact using the maven command.

  • Java Config : spring-functionaltest/JavaConfig
  • XML Config : spring-functionaltest/XMLConfig

Case that use embedded H2 as database

If you want to use H2 for the database, execute the following command to build it.

$ cd {your repository directory}
$ git checkout {target branch}
$ mvn -U clean install -am -pl spring-functionaltest-web
# Build the project to be tested
$ mvn -U clean install -am -pl spring-functionaltest-web-xxxx

# Example: In the case of ajax
$ mvn -U clean install -am -pl spring-functionaltest-web-ajax

To build the entire project, execute the following command.

$ cd {your repository directory}
$ git checkout {target branch}
$ mvn -U clean install

Case that use PostgreSQL as database

If you want to use PostgreSQL for the database, execute the following command to build it.

$ cd {your repository directory}
$ git checkout {target branch}
$ mvn -U clean install -am -pl spring-functionaltest-web -P tomcat10-postgresql,travis
# Build the project to be tested
$ mvn -U clean install -am -pl spring-functionaltest-web-xxxx -P tomcat10-postgresql,travis

# Example: In the case of ajax
$ mvn -U clean install -am -pl spring-functionaltest-web-ajax -P tomcat10-postgresql,travis

To build the entire project, execute the following command.

$ cd {your repository directory}
$ git checkout {target branch}
$ mvn -U clean install -P tomcat10-postgresql,travis

If you not use default user(postgres) or password(P0stgres), you should modify settings in spring-functionaltest-env/configs/tomcat10-postgresql/ContainerConfigXML/context.xml.

[Step 4] Startup Tomcat10 and deploy war file

Startup Tomcat10 and deploy war file using CARGO maven plugin.

If you do not use the cargo command, place the war file into a locally installed Tomcat and start it.

When spring-functionaltest-web is started, we create the H2DB tables to be used by the Logback DB Appender. We also create tables to be used in each project if built with H2DB.
Note that spring-functionaltest-web must therefore be invoked first.

Case that use embedded H2 as database

$ cd {your repository directory}
$ mvn -U cargo:run -pl spring-functionaltest-web

Shutdown trigger is "Ctrl + C" on console.

Case that use PostgreSQL as database (use Tomcat JNDI Resource)

If you use PostgreSQL as your database, deploy it by executing the following command.

$ cd {your repository directory}
$ mvn -U cargo:run -pl spring-functionaltest-web -P travis

Shutdown trigger is "Ctrl + C" on console.

you can access application at http://localhost:8080/spring-functionaltest-web/.

[Step 5] Deploy functions war files

To deploy each functional app to the already started cargo.

$ cd {your repository directory}
# Add the project to be tested to cargo
$ mvn -U cargo:deploy -pl spring-functionaltest-web -Dcargo.deployable.artifactId=spring-functionaltest-web-xxxx -Dcargo.deployable.warName=spring-functionaltest-web-xxxx

# Example: In the case of ajax
$ mvn -U cargo:deploy -pl spring-functionaltest-web -Dcargo.deployable.artifactId=spring-functionaltest-web-ajax -Dcargo.deployable.warName=spring-functionaltest-web-ajax

Case that use PostgreSQL as database (use Tomcat JNDI Resource)

If you want to use PostgreSQL for the database, run the following command to add it to the already started cargo.

$ cd {your repository directory}
# Add the project to be tested to cargo
$ mvn -U cargo:deploy -pl spring-functionaltest-web -Dcargo.deployable.artifactId=spring-functionaltest-web-xxxx -Dcargo.deployable.warName=spring-functionaltest-web-xxxx -P travis

# Example: In the case of ajax
$ mvn -U cargo:deploy -pl spring-functionaltest-web -Dcargo.deployable.artifactId=spring-functionaltest-web-ajax -Dcargo.deployable.warName=spring-functionaltest-web-ajax -P travis

[Step 6] Run functional tests

After navigating to the spring-functionaltest-selenium project, start Selenium (WebDriver) and run JUnit.

$ cd {your repository directory}/spring-functionaltest-selenium
$ mvn -U test -Dwdm.cachePath=/opt/geckodriver -Dwdm.geckoDriverVersion=0.32.0

If you wish to test a specific project, use -Dtest= to narrow down the target project to be tested.
You can also specify the project name to narrow down the target.

# Example: In the case of ajax
$ mvn -U test -Dwdm.cachePath=/opt/geckodriver -Dwdm.geckoDriverVersion=0.32.0 -Dtest=**.ajax.**

In the above example, options are set for the startup arguments.

To specify the download directory, specify "-Dwdm.cachePath" in the startup argument.
To specify the version of geckoDriver, specify "-Dwdm.geckoDriverVersion" in the startup argument.
By dafault latest version geckodriver will download automatically to ~/.cache/selenium by webdrivermanager.

See advanced-configuration for configuration details.


How to use latest or any branch snapshot of Common Library

If latest or any branch snapshot of Common Library want to use, install latest or any branch snapshot before build and test.

Clone terasoluna-gfw repository into local machine

$ git clone https://github.com/terasolunaorg/terasoluna-gfw.git

Install latest or any branch snapshot of Common Library into local machine

$ cd {your repository directory of terasoluna-gfw}
$ git checkout {target branch}
$ mvn -U clean install

How to build war for various environments

Using the maven profile , build the war in accordance with the environment that you want to deploy.

$ cd {your repository directory}
$ git checkout {target branch}
$ mvn -U package -am -pl spring-functionaltest-web -P tomcat10-postgresql,travis

Profiles that are available are as follows.

The Combination of application server and a database

environments specify maven profiles
Tomcat10 + H2 (not specify)
Tomcat10 + Postgresql tomcat10-postgresql,travis
Tomcat10 + Postgresql 1 tomcat10-postgresql,warpack

How to switch bean definition for various environments

Using the spring profile , enable to switch the bean definition in accordance with the environment that you want to run.


Profiles that are available are as follows.

Connecting mail server

environments specify spring profiles
using embedded GreenMail nonMailServer (default)
using actual Mail Server mailServer 2

Connecting message queue

environments specify spring profiles
using embedded ActiveMQ nonMqServer (default)
using actual Message Queue mqServer 2

How to switch specific test cases to run for various environments

Using the system property(-D) with @IfProfileValue, enable to switch specific test cases to run in accordance with the environment that you want to run.

$ cd {your repository directory}
$ mvn -U test -pl spring-functionaltest-selenium -Dtest.environment=mailServier

Properties that are available are as follows.

properties description
test.environment Whether to run tests must use actual mail server.
Set mailServer when spring.profiles.active of application contains mailServer.
jms.test.environment Whether to run tests must use actual mq server.
Set mqServer when spring.profiles.active of application contains mqServer.


  1. Please deploy spring-functionaltest-web.war, spring-functionaltest-env.jar, and context.xml.

  2. The configuration values in the spring-functionaltest-infra.properties file should be modified to match the server you are connecting to. 2