
Demo: https://maconly.atwebpages.com/html/World-Environment-Test.html

Shows how to use Root Motion in the Godot 4 game engine:

  • Shows how to use animation tree with AnimationNodeBlendTree
  • Shows how to transition between animation states
  • Shows how to manage different states
  • Shows how to manage directional input for multiple states
  • Shows how to set the animation and to use the animations root motion to move the character
  • Show how to implement 8 direction motion
  • Shows how to add Audio Tracks and Property Tracks to the Animation Player to sync the Animation with the Sound and other functions
  • Shows how to display a Mini Map
  • Shows how to create a character selector and dynamicly add the character to the game world
  • Shows how you can apply the same animation to multiple characters as long as they are using the same bone map
  • Shows how to load scenes without blocking the main thread or preloading scenes and slowing down the loading of scenes
  • Shows how to create a multiplayer game using RPC and the MultiplayerSynchronizer node
  • Shows how to select different world maps and start the game, which starts it for all players


  • Click on the playing game and then press the ALT button to capture the mouse press it again to Release the mouse
  • AWSD ( Arrows also work ) keys to move
  • Use CTRL to change motion states i.e crouch or stand
  • SPACE BAR to jump in the direction of the motion ( I could not find a left and right jump animation in miximo so I just used forward )
  • E to interact with items

Character Selecter






Enter Game world


First person shooter
