

We need some logic that extracts the variable parts of a url into a hash. The keys of the extract hash will be the "names" of the variable parts of a url, and the values of the hash will be the values. We will be supplied with:

  1. A url format string, which describes the format of a url. A url format string can contain constant parts and variable parts, in any order, where "parts" of a url are separated with "/". All variable parts begin with a colon. Here is an example of such a url format string:
  1. A particular url instance that is guaranteed to have the format given by the url format string. It may also contain url parameters. For example, given the example url format string above, the url instance might be:

Given this example url format string and url instance, the hash we want that maps all the variable parts of the url instance to their values would look like this:

version: 6,
collection: 'listings',
id: 3,
sort: 'desc',
limit: 10


Installing the current exercise using npm package

git clone
npm install

Run unit tests suite

The current exercise only have unit test script, you can run it using the following command:

npm run test:coverage

You will find the coverage report in the next link.

Screenshot 2023-01-14 at 17 16 53

Also, you can check the unit tests files to see how to use the solution implemented.

Full Documentation

See the Wiki for full documentation, examples, operational details and other information.