This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.

How do I get set up?

  • Install Open-JDK 11, Maven 3.5.0
  • Step 1: mvn clean install
  • Step 2: mvn spring-boot:run
  • Step 3: In any browser call : http://localhost:8080/report
  • Step 4: Pdf file auto download in browser or you can find it in source code with path ../src/main/resources/pdf

If you want to generate pdf file with dynamic data input, you can using Postman call with POST method: Import curl in postman: curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/report'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '{ "sellerDetails" : { "branchId" : "238328253359310184", "branchCode" : "00", "branchName" : "Mr. JOSEPH BARON KIWANUKA", "tin" : "1012383739", "ninBrn" : "CM86047105PN3A/", "legalName" : "Mr. JOSEPH BARON KIWANUKA", "businessName" : "Mr. JOSEPH BARON KIWANUKA", "address" : " KYENGERA WAKISO BUSIRO EAST KYENGERA TOWN COUNCIL ", "mobilePhone" : "123456789", "linePhone" : "123456789", "emailAddress" : "", "placeOfBusiness" : " KYENGERA WAKISO BUSIRO EAST KYENGERA TOWN COUNCIL ", "referenceNo" : "05fe6ffb-e53d-4cb2-9523-01ce8c288c26" }, "basicInformation" : { "invoiceId" : "499082173405033470", "invoiceNo" : "322024096072", "antifakeCode" : "30580126073706955239", "deviceNo" : "TCSd730332620141988", "issuedDate" : "09/08/2022 01:08:40", "operator" : "Admin", "currency" : "UGX", "currencyRate" : "0", "invoiceType" : "1", "invoiceKind" : "1", "dataSource" : "106", "invoiceIndustryCode" : "101", "isBatch" : "0", "isInvalid" : true, "isRefund" : true, "isPreview" : true, "issuedDatePdf" : "09/08/2022 01:08:40" }, "buyerDetails" : { "dateFormat" : "dd/MM/yyyy", "timeFormat" : "dd/MM/yyyy HH24:mi:ss", "nowTime" : "2022/08/09 01:08:41", "buyerLegalName" : "Walking Customer", "buyerType" : "2" }, "goodsDetails" : [ { "item" : "B", "itemCode" : "B", "qty" : 1, "unitOfMeasure" : "106", "unitPrice" : 84.75, "total" : 84.75, "taxRate" : 0.18, "tax" : 12.93, "orderNumber" : 0, "discountFlag" : "2", "deemedFlag" : "2", "exciseFlag" : "2", "goodsCategoryId" : "42211701", "goodsCategoryName" : "Adaptive communication switches for the physically challenged", "exciseTax" : "0", "vatApplicableFlag" : false }, { "item" : "A", "itemCode" : "A", "qty" : 1, "unitOfMeasure" : "108", "unitPrice" : 102.5, "total" : 102.5, "taxRate" : 0.0, "tax" : 0.0, "orderNumber" : 1, "discountFlag" : "2", "deemedFlag" : "2", "exciseFlag" : "2", "goodsCategoryId" : "51373309", "goodsCategoryName" : "Acetaminophen/caffeine/dihydrocodeine", "exciseTax" : "0", "vatApplicableFlag" : false } ], "taxDetails" : [ { "taxCategoryCode" : "01", "taxCategory" : "A: Standard", "netAmount" : 71.82, "taxRate" : 0.18, "taxAmount" : 12.93, "grossAmount" : 84.75, "taxRateName" : "0.18" }, { "taxCategoryCode" : "02", "taxCategory" : "B: Zero", "netAmount" : 102.5, "taxRate" : 0.0, "taxAmount" : 0.0, "grossAmount" : 102.5, "taxRateName" : "0" } ], "summary" : { "netAmount" : 174.32, "taxAmount" : 12.93, "grossAmount" : 187.25, "itemCount" : 2, "modeCode" : "1", "qrCode" : "0200000011689C3220240960720000004925000000050D38FC983CF06EA10123837390Mr. JOSEPH BARON KIWANUKAWalking Customer~B,A" }, "extend" : { }, "airlineGoodsDetails" : [ ], "payWay" : [ { "dateFormat" : "dd/MM/yyyy", "timeFormat" : "dd/MM/yyyy HH24:mi:ss", "nowTime" : "2022/08/09 01:08:41", "paymentMode" : "102", "paymentAmount" : 84.75, "orderNumber" : "0" }, { "dateFormat" : "dd/MM/yyyy", "timeFormat" : "dd/MM/yyyy HH24:mi:ss", "nowTime" : "2022/08/09 01:08:41", "paymentMode" : "102", "paymentAmount" : 102.5, "orderNumber" : "1" } ] }'