Remember to change the architecture code in Makefile for your GPUs.
The prototype system depends on: MPI, CUDA, NCCL, cuBLAS nlohmann-json.
It is tested with these library versions: MVAPICH2 version 2.3.7, 3.2.1, CUDA 11.3, 12.2, NCCL 2.15.5, 2.18.5-1. nlohmann-json 3.11.2
Liger requires a NVIDIA multi-GPU node and it is tested with V100 (NVLink Gen1) and A100 (PCIe) GPUs. In theory, Liger can act better in a node with weak interconnection.
To run this artifact in a new system, it is required to profile the kernel execution time at first.
- Profile: test_profile()
- Liger: test_schedule()
- TP Baseline: test_no_schedule()
The running results generated from the artifact in our V100(Nvlink Gen1)system using 2 GPUs.
- Baseline_Result.txt
- Liger_Result.txt
- You can configure the model, adjust the request rate, or the decomposition factor in The default configuration comes from GLM-130B.
- [Section-3.2] The process of function assembly can be found at src/layer/bert.h, it adopts an iterative apporach to store kernel launch functions in a vector.
- [Section-3.3] The schedule algorithm is implemented in src/schedule.h/run_stream_sync. You can also find the hybrid synchronziation method [Section-3.4] and the contention factor [Section-3.5] here.
- We manage the kernel decompostion [Section-3.6] in src/init.h/Sample.