Genie examples source code and build script.
- from the vala examples:
- and from my gist
Examples from gnome wiki for Vala
I converted the Vala examples to the Genie launguage. below links to all the Genie examples available in this repository.
click to see more...
- CharacterSample
- ClutterSamples
- ConditionalCompilationSample
- CursesSample
- CustomWidgetSamples
- DBusClientSamples
- DBusClientSamples/Waiting
- DBusServerSample
- DBusServerSamplePassingObjects
- DragAndDropSample
- GIOCompressionSample
- GIONetworkingSample
- GIOSamples
- GSFSample
- GSLSample
- GSettingsSample
- GStreamerSample
- GStreamerSamples
- GTKSample
- GdlSample
- Gedit3PluginSample
- GeeSamples
- GnomeDesktopAndGMenuExample
- GtkCellRendererSample
- InputSamples
- IoChannelsSample
- JsonSample
- LibSoupSample
- ListSample
- LoudmouthSample
- LuaSample
- MxSample
- OpenGLSamples
- PangoCairoSample
- PopplerSample
- PropertiesSample
- PulseAudioSamples
- SDLBouncingBall
- SDLSample
- SharedLibSample
- SqliteSample
- StringSample
- TestSample
- ThreadingSamples
- TiffSample
- TimeSample
- TypeModuleSample
- TypeModules
- USBSample
- ValueSample
- WebKitSample
- Win32CrossBuildSample
- XmlSample
you can build them in gnome-wiki directory:
$ git clone this-repository
$ cd GenieExamples/gnome-wiki
$ make
Genie GUI Basic this is equivalent to
SDL2 Texture - Move character
SDL2 Draw circle this is equivalent to SDLSample:1 but written by SDL2.
term | description | note |
OS | Ubuntu 18.04 | amd64 |
compiler | Vala 0.40.4 |
- clones from gnome-wiki vala are according to original codes.
- my works belong to MPL-2.0