Quant Learning Repository
- Alphas
- Contains world quant 101, GTJA 191 alphas
- BackTrader
- Basic trading strategy backtested on BackTrader
- Fundamental
- Some basic and fundamental knowledge of quant
- Models
- Deep learning models which may be useful of quant
- Machiner Learning models, like xgboost, random forest
- Data
- Some useful data of future and stock
- HuaTai
- HuaTai Security Report of Artificial Intelligence
- Neural Network-based Automatic Factor Construction (NNAFC) https://arxiv.org/pdf/2008.06225.pdf
- Huatai Securities in HuaTai_AIReport
- GuoTaiJunAn Security in GTJA_QuantReport
- Readings
- International Trade 4th (international trade)
- What do undergrads need to know about trade (short introductional like paper)
- Wat Hedge Funds Really do (introduction about hedge fund)
- Investment Science (derivatives)
- The Essays of Warren Buffett (enterprise management and investment)
- The little book of Common Sense Investing (basic investment)
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Bx411d714?spm_id_from=333.1007.top_right_bar_window_custom_collection.content.click Professor Gao Xu's Financial Economics 25. The folder contains my notes for each chapter and self-written homework answer.
- chapter3: Interest rate and bond analysis
- chapter4: Stock Model
- chapter5: Mean-Variance Analysis
- chapter6: CAPM
- chapter7: CAPM
- chapter8: Expected Utility Theory
- chapter9: Savings
- chapter10: Equilibrium
- chapter11: C-CAPM
- chapter12: C-CAPM(2)
- chapter13: Multi-Factor Model
- chapter14: APT
- chapter15: APT Fundamental Theory
- chapter16: Multi-Period Binary Tree Option Pricing Model
- chapter17: Optimal Stopping
- chapter18: Black-Scholes-Merton Formula
- chapter19: Delta-Hedge
- chapter20: Frictions
- chapter21: Adverse Selection
- chapter22: Finish
- chapter23: Finish
- chapter24: Finish
- chapter25: Finish
To install the related python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you encounter with warning message while installing ta-lib:
conda install -c conda-forge ta-lib