
Web Service

Primary LanguageJava

Web Service

General info

The application is implemented to simulate websites such as blogs. It provides the ability to register and log in, along with the underlying String Security system. Users on the website can add new posts, edit ONLY their own posts (with the exception of the admin account), delete ONLY their own posts, and sort posts by creation date, popularity, and post rating. Posts can also be filtered by types such as SPORT, MUSIC, EDUCATION, and OTHER, as well as by searching for a post by its title. Users can also track the average rating of a specific post, as well as rate posts and edit their post ratings. There is also a "Settings" section on each user's account that allows for language changes.


• Java 17

• Spring Boot 6

• Spring Security 6

• PostgreSQL

• Tomcat

• IntelliJ IDEA

• Hibernate

• Maven

• Lombok

• JUnit 5

• JWT token

• React JS



• Authenticate - provided with Spring Security - Registration, Login and Logout.

• Post Management - get, create, update, delete operations on posts dependent on the role that a particular user has. Sorting posts by: creation date, popularity and rating. Filter posts by type: SPORT, MUSIC, EDUCATION, OTHER and also by title of the post.

• Rating Post Management - get, create, update operations on posts rating dependent on the role that a particular user has.

Backend Structure

|   +---main
|   |   +---java
|   |   |   \---pl
|   |   |       \---maciejklonicki
|   |   |           \---ytapp
|   |   |               |   WebServiceApplication.java
|   |   |               |   
|   |   |               +---auditing
|   |   |               |       ApplicationAuditAware.java
|   |   |               |       
|   |   |               +---auth
|   |   |               |   |   AuthAccessDeniedHandler.java
|   |   |               |   |   AuthenticationController.java
|   |   |               |   |   AuthenticationRequest.java
|   |   |               |   |   AuthenticationResponse.java
|   |   |               |   |   AuthenticationService.java
|   |   |               |   |   RegisterRequest.java
|   |   |               |   |   
|   |   |               |   \---exception
|   |   |               |           PasswordMismatchException.java
|   |   |               |           
|   |   |               +---config
|   |   |               |   |   ApplicationConfig.java
|   |   |               |   |   JwtAuthenticationFilter.java
|   |   |               |   |   JwtService.java
|   |   |               |   |   LogoutService.java
|   |   |               |   |   SecurityConfig.java
|   |   |               |   |   
|   |   |               |   \---exception
|   |   |               |           LogoutException.java
|   |   |               |           
|   |   |               +---postrating
|   |   |               |   |   PostRating.java
|   |   |               |   |   PostRatingController.java
|   |   |               |   |   PostRatingRepository.java
|   |   |               |   |   PostRatingService.java
|   |   |               |   |   PostRatingServiceImpl.java
|   |   |               |   |   
|   |   |               |   +---dto
|   |   |               |   |       EditPostRatingRequest.java
|   |   |               |   |       RatePostRequest.java
|   |   |               |   |       
|   |   |               |   \---exception
|   |   |               |           PostAlreadyRatedAdvice.java
|   |   |               |           PostAlreadyRatedException.java
|   |   |               |           PostRatingNotFoundAdvice.java
|   |   |               |           PostRatingNotFoundException.java
|   |   |               |           
|   |   |               +---posts
|   |   |               |   |   Post.java
|   |   |               |   |   PostController.java
|   |   |               |   |   PostRepository.java
|   |   |               |   |   PostService.java
|   |   |               |   |   PostServiceImpl.java
|   |   |               |   |   PostType.java
|   |   |               |   |   
|   |   |               |   +---dto
|   |   |               |   |       CreatePostDTO.java
|   |   |               |   |       GetAllPostsDTO.java
|   |   |               |   |       SinglePostDTO.java
|   |   |               |   |       UpdatePostDTO.java
|   |   |               |   |       
|   |   |               |   \---exception
|   |   |               |           PostNotFoundAdvice.java
|   |   |               |           PostNotFoundException.java
|   |   |               |           PostTitleAlreadyExistsAdvice.java
|   |   |               |           PostTitleAlreadyExistsException.java
|   |   |               |           UnauthorizedAdvice.java
|   |   |               |           UnauthorizedException.java
|   |   |               |           
|   |   |               +---token
|   |   |               |       Token.java
|   |   |               |       TokenRepository.java
|   |   |               |       TokenType.java
|   |   |               |       
|   |   |               \---users
|   |   |                   |   Role.java
|   |   |                   |   UserRepository.java
|   |   |                   |   Users.java
|   |   |                   |   
|   |   |                   \---exception
|   |   |                           UsersEmailAlreadyExistsAdvice.java
|   |   |                           UsersEmailAlreadyExistsException.java
|   |   |                           UsersNotFoundAdvice.java
|   |   |                           UsersNotFoundException.java
|   |   |                           
|   |   \---resources
|   |           application-dev.properties
|   |           application.properties
|   |           
|   \---test
|       \---java
|           \---pl
|               \---maciejklonicki
|                   \---ytapp
|                       |   WebServiceApplicationTests.java
|                       |   
|                       +---auth
|                       |       AuthenticationServiceTest.java
|                       |       
|                       +---postrating
|                       |       PostRatingServiceImplTest.java
|                       |       
|                       \---posts
|                               PostServiceImplTest.java             

Frontend Structure

|   \---locales
|       +---en
|       |       translation.json
|       |       
|       \---pl
|               translation.json
    |   App.js
    |   App.test.js
    |   i18next.js
    |   index.css
    |   index.js
    |   logo.svg
    |   reportWebVitals.js
    |   setupTests.js
        |   NavigationBar.js
        |   NotFound.css
        |   NotFound.js
        |       Body.js
        |       CreatePost.js
        |       EditPost.js
        |       EditPostRating.js
        |       PostDetails.js
        |       RatingBox.js
        |       PostService.js
        |       Settings.css
        |       Settings.js

Rest API


Method URL Description Sample body
POST /api/v1/auth/register Sign up JSON
POST /api/v1/auth/authenticate Sign in JSON
POST /api/v1/auth/logout Logout JSON


Method URL Description Sample body
GET /api/v1/posts Get all posts JSON
GET /api/v1/posts/{id} Get single post JSON
GET /api/v1/posts/user/{username} Get user posts JSON
GET /api/v1/posts/sorted-desc-by-popularity Sort post descending by popularity JSON
GET /api/v1/posts/sorted-desc-by-creation-date Sort post descending by creation date JSON
GET /api/v1/posts/sorted-desc-by-rating Sort post descending by rating JSON
GET /api/v1/posts/sorted-asc-by-popularity Sort post ascending by popularity JSON
GET /api/v1/posts/sorted-asc-by-creation-date Sort post ascending by creation date JSON
GET /api/v1/posts/sorted-asc-by-rating Sort post ascending by rating JSON
GET /api/v1/posts/{postId}/average-rating Get post average rating JSON
POST /api/v1/posts Create new post JSON
DELETE /api/v1/posts/{id} Delete post JSON
PUT /api/v1/posts/update/{id} Update post JSON
PUT /api/v1/posts/{id}/increment-popularity" Increment post popularity JSON

Post rating

Method URL Description Sample body
GET /api/v1/post-ratings/get-rating Get post rating JSON
POST /api/v1/post-ratings/rate Add post rating JSON
PUT /api/v1/post-ratings/edit-rating Edit post rating JSON

Sample JSON Request/Response

    "username": "STRING",
    "email": "STRING",
    "password": "STRING",
    "confirmPassword": "STRING",
    "mobile": "STRING"
    "username": "STRING",
    "password": "STRING"
    Logout successful!  
        "id": LONG,
        "title": "STRING",
        "body": "STRING",
        "author": "STRING",
        "type": "STRING",
        "creationDate": "DATE",
        "photo": "BYTE []",
        "popularity": 0,
        "totalRatings": 0
    "title": "STRING",
    "body": "STRING",
    "author": "STRING",
    "type": "STRING"

Authorization -> Bearer Token

        "id": LONG,
        "title": "STRING",
        "body": "STRING",
        "author": "STRING",
        "type": "STRING",
        "creationDate": "DATE",
        "photo": "BYTE []",
        "popularity": 0,
        "totalRatings": 0
        "title": "STRING",
        "body": "STRING",
        "author": "STRING",
        "type": "STRING",
        "creationDate": "DATE",
        "photo": "BYTE []",
        "popularity": 0,
        "totalRatings": 0
        "title": "STRING",
        "body": "STRING",
        "author": "STRING",
        "type": "STRING",
        "creationDate": "DATE",
        "photo": "BYTE []",
        "popularity": 0,
        "totalRatings": 0
        "title": "STRING",
        "body": "STRING",
        "author": "STRING",
        "type": "STRING",
        "creationDate": "DATE",
        "photo": "BYTE []",
        "popularity": 0,
        "totalRatings": 0
        "title": "STRING",
        "body": "STRING",
        "author": "STRING",
        "type": "STRING",
        "creationDate": "DATE",
        "photo": "BYTE []",
        "popularity": 0,
        "totalRatings": 0
        "title": "STRING",
        "body": "STRING",
        "author": "STRING",
        "type": "STRING",
        "creationDate": "DATE",
        "photo": "BYTE []",
        "popularity": 0,
        "totalRatings": 0
        "title": "STRING",
        "body": "STRING",
        "author": "STRING",
        "type": "STRING",
        "creationDate": "DATE",
        "photo": "BYTE []",
        "popularity": 0,
        "totalRatings": 0

Authorization -> Bearer Token

        "title": "STRING",
        "body": "STRING",
        "author": "STRING",
        "type": "STRING",
        "creationDate": "DATE",
        "photo": "BYTE []"

Authorization -> Bearer Token

    Delete successful!

Authorization -> Bearer Token

    "title": "STRING",
    "body": "STRING",
    "type": "STRING"
    "id": LONG,
    "rating": INT

Authorization -> Bearer Token

    You rated post successfuly!

Authorization -> Bearer Token

    You have changed the rate of the post successfuly!