
The guide for installing nvm | node | yarn via homebrew

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Install NVM, NodeJS, Yarn via Homebrew

Updated at: 2019/09/23

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  • Homebrew should be installed (Command line tools for Xcode are included).

Getting start

Part A: Install NVM and NodeJS

  1. Install nvm via Homebrew

    $ brew install nvm

  2. Add following line to your profile. (.profile or .zshrc or .zprofile)

    # NVM
    export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
    source $(brew --prefix nvm)/nvm.sh
  3. Close and open your terminal again. Or Choose one from the following command once for reload your profile. (.profile or .zshrc or .zprofile)


    • $ source ~/.profile
    • $ source ~/.zshrc
    • $ source ~/.zprofile
  4. Verify nvm is installed

    $ nvm --version

  5. Check all avaliable version by this command

    $ nvm ls-remote

  6. Install NodeJS (Recommended to install LTS version. Current LTS is Dubnium)

    $ nvm install --lts='Dubnium'

  7. Check installed NodeJS in your machine.

    $ nvm ls

  8. Set global nodejs version to environment.

    $ nvm use default

See more about nvm : https://github.com/creationix/nvm

Part B: Install Yarn and Linked nvm node to Homebrew

  1. Install yarn via Homebrew

    $ brew install yarn

  2. Remove node dependencies from Homebrew

    $ brew uninstall node --ignore-dependencies

  3. Checkout node in environment $PATH

    $ which node

    It should be return => /User/<your's-user-name>/.nvm/versions/node/<latest-node-lts-version>/bin/node

  4. Checkout brew doctor there should show message WARNING missing yarn dependencies

    $ brew doctor

  5. Create symbol link from nvm for yarn in Homebrew.

    $ nvm current => v10.16.0 (Latest LTS: Dubnium) (This should be Global node version)

    $ mkdir /usr/local/Cellar/node

    $ ln -s ~/.nvm/versions/node/$(nvm current)/ /usr/local/Cellar/node

  6. Overwrite node, npm and npx from linked node in /usr/local/Cellar/node to /usr/local/bin/ homebrew

    $ brew link --overwrite node

  7. Checkout ls -la /usr/local/bin to see overwrited node, npm and npx

  8. Checkout brew doctor again. There shouldn't have WARNING message.

    $ brew doctor

  9. Prevent Homebrew upgrading node version

    $ brew pin node

  10. Enjoy ! ❤️

Part C: To change node.js version and Re-configure Homebrew

TODO here