Sweater Weather

Created by: Mack Halliday


About the Project

SweaterWeather is an API application with endpoints to return local weather, a city background image, and roadtrip information. The application also can create and login a user with a post request.



Application address


Local Weather

Returns current weather and forecast for location

GET /api/v1/forecast?location=denver,co

location: desired city location with state or country

View Example

City Background Image

Returns large image with orientation as landscape

GET /api/v1/backgrounds?location=denver,co

location: Desired city location with state or country

View Example

Create User Account

Creates a user with valid emails and password matching password confirmation

If successful, will return user's API key and 201 status

POST /api/v1/users

   "email": "whatever@example.com",
   "password": "password",
   "password_confirmation": "password"

email: Must be valid email not already used by another user

password: Desired password

password_confirmation: Must match password

Run in Postman

Login User

Logins in user with correct password

If successful, will return user's API key and 201 status

POST /api/v1/sessions

   "email": "whatever@example.com",
   "password": "password",

email: Must match email used to create account

password: Must match password used to create account

Run in Postman

Road Trip

Returns details for road trip including travel time and weather at destination

Must include valid API key

If successful, will return details for road trip and status 201

POST /api/v1/road_trip

    origin: "Denver,CO",
    destination: "Pueblo,CO",
    api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"

origin: Starting city with state or country

destination: Ending city with state or country

api_key: Valid API key given to user when account created

Run in Postman

Local Setup

Clone down the repo

$ git clone

Install the gem packages

$ bundle install

Set up the database

$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate

Add the following API Key to your application.yml file

google_geocode: YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY
antipode: oscar_the_grouch
unsplash_access_key: YOUR_UNSPLASH_API_KEY

Where to get API Keys

Testing Suite

Run the test suite:

$ rspec

Running Application

Run application locally:

$ rails s
  • Visit http://localhost:3000/ in Chrome browser
  • Add desired endpoint to localhost address




  • Ruby 2.4.1
  • Rails 5.2.0