
🚧 MVP in Progress 🚧: Small app to conduct Twilio surveys via Webhook or Websocket

Primary LanguagePython

Project Overview

🚧 MVP in Progress 🚧:

Small app to conduct Twilio surveys via Webhook or Websocket


  • ✅ V0: Basic Project Setup - Establish the foundational structure
  • ✅ V1: Basic Models - Create basic database structure
  • ✅ V2: Can Receive Messages - Create Twilio WebHook service to receive message
  • ✅ V3: Can Send Message - Create Twilio WebHook service to send message
  • ✅ V4: Iterate Twilio Service to Send Survey - Update Twilio services to send survey, waiting for response before sending the next questions.
  • ✅ V5: Save Survey Responses - Properly save survey responses
  • 🔨 V6: Add Websocket - See /twilio_service/consumers.py. Add Twilio Webhook service to use WebStocket by creating chat service (?)
  • V7: Opt-In Opt-Out Service - Move service into own class
  • V8: Setup Demo - Currently using ngrok, is there a better solution?
  • V9: Survey campaigns - A group of users can be send a survey
  • V10: Frontend to Setup Basic Survey - Create Admin frontend to create surveys and send
  • V11: View Responses - Create Admin frontend to view survey response

Tech Overview

  • Frameworks: Django, DjangoREST framework
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Testing: Unittest
  • Environment: Virtual Env, DotEnv
  • Typing: Python Typing
  • Messaging: Twilio
  • Hosting: Ngrok

Resources Used